Th­ Môc

1.	@Article{Aal.91,
Author= " T. Araki and T. Morizumi and H. Nagase and T. Takenaka and K. Yamashita",
Title= "Security level assignment by graph analysis",
Journal= "IEICE Transactions",
Volume = "E74",
Number = "8",
Pages = "2166-2175",
Month = "August",
Year = "1991"}
2.	@Article{AGS83,
Author= " S.R. Ames and M. Gasser and R.R. Schell",
Title= "Security Kernel Design and Implementation : An Introduction",
Journal= "Computer",
Volume = "16",
Number = "7",
Month = "July",
Year = "1983"}
3.	@Article{AJ87,
Author= "M.D. Abrams and A.B. Jeng",
Title= "Network Security Protocol Reference Model and the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria",
Journal= "IEEE Network Magazine",
Pages = "24-33",
Month = "April",
Year = "1987"}
4.	@Article{AL91,
Author= " J. Alves-Foss and K. Levitt",
Title= "The Verification of Secure Distributed Systems",
Journal= "IEEE, COMPCON",
Year = "1991"}
5.	@Article{AM92,
Author= "Ludovic M\'e and Veronique Alanou",
Title= "Une exp\'{e}rience d'audit de s\'{e}curit\'{e} sous {AIX R}3.1",
Journal= "TRIBUNIX",
page = "30-38",
Volume = "8",
Number = "43",
Year = "1992"}
6.	@Article{Ams88,
Author= "Ellen Amsel, CISA",
Title= "Network Security and Access Controls",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "7",
Month = "February",
Year = "1988"}
7.	@Article{AP87a,
Author= " M.D. Abrams and H.J. Podell",
Title= "Network Security Overview",
Journal= "Computer and Networks Security",
Year = "1987"}
8.	@Article{AP87b,
Author= " M.D. Abrams and H.J. Podell",
Title= "Society and policy issues",
Journal= "Computer and Networks Security",
Year = "1987"}
9.	@Article{AP87c,
Author= " M.D. Abrams and H.J. Podell",
Title= "Management Issues",
Journal= "Computer and Networks Security",
Year = "1987"}
10.	@Article{AP87d,
Author= " M.D. Abrams and H.J. Podell",
Title= "Formal Models",
Journal= "Computer and Networks Security",
Year = "1987"}
11.	@Article{AP87e,
Author= " M.D. Abrams and H.J. Podell",
Title= "Protocols",
Journal= "Computer and Networks Security",
Year = "1987"}
12.	@Article{Bai82,
Author= " S.C. Bailin",
Title= "Distribution of Access Control Functions in a Local Area Networks",
Journal= "IEEE CH1811-9/82/0000/0118\$00.75",
Year = "1982"}
13.	@Article{BD87,
Author= " S. Budkowski and P. Dembinski",
Title= "An Introduction to Estelle : A Specification language for Distributed Systems",
Journal= "Computer Networks and ISDN systems",
Volume = "3",
Number = "3",
Year = "1987"}
14.	@Article{Bel89,
Author= "S.M. Bellovin",
Title= "Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite",
Journal= "Computer Communication Review",
Year = "1989",
Volume = "19",
Number = "2",
Pages = "32-48",
Month = "April",
Keywords= ""}
15.	@Article{Ber87,
Author= " D.M. Berry",
Title= "Towards a Formal Basis for the Formal Development Method and the Ina Jo Specification Language",
Journal= "IEEE transaction on software Engineering",
Volume = "13",
Number = "2",
Month = "February",
Year = "1987"}
16.	@Article{BKY85,
Author= " W.E. Boebert and R.Y. Kain and W.D. Young",
Title= "Secure Computing : The Secure ADA Target Aproach",
Journal= "Scientific Honeyweller, Vol. 6, N 2",
Month = "July",
Year = "1985"}
17.	@Article{BM90,
Author= " S.M. Bellovin and M. Merritt",
Title= "Limitations of the {K}erberos Authentication System",
Journal= "Computer Communications Review",
Month = "octobre",
Year = "1990"}
18.	@Article{Boc90,
Author= " G. V. Bochman",
Title= "Protocol specification for {OSI}",
Journal= "Computer networks and ISDN systems",
Volume = "18",
Pages = "167-184",
Year = "1990"}
19.	@Article{Bok81a,
Author= " S.H. Bokhari",
Title= "On the Mapping Problem",
Journal= "IEEE Transaction on Computers",
Volume = "C-30",
Number = "3",
Year = "1981"}
20.	@Article{Bok81b,
Author= " S.H. Bokhari",
Title= "The Role of a Well Defined Auditing Process in the
Enforcement of Privacy Policy and Data Security",
Journal= "IEEE",
Year = "1981"}
21.	@Article{BP92,
Author= " J.B. Bowles and C.E. Pelaez",
Title= "Data security-bad code",
Journal= "IEEE Spectrum",
Month = "August",
Year = "1992",
Keywords= "hacking"}
22.	@Article{Bra87,
Author= " D.K. Branstad",
Title= "Considerations for Security in the {OSI} Architecture",
Journal= "IEEE Network Magazine",
Pages = "34-39",
Month = "April",
Year = "1987"}
23.	@Article{BS79,
Author= " M. Bishop and L. Snyder",
Title= "The Transfert of Information and Authority in a Protection System",
Journal= "ACM 0-89791-009-5/79/1200/0045",
Year = "1979"}
24.	@Article{BS80,
Author= " G.V. Bochmann and C.A. Sunshine",
Title= "Formal Methods in Communication Protocol Design",
Journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications",
Volume = "28",
number ="4",
Month = "April",
Year = "1980"}
25.	@Article{Buf95,
Author= "Thierry Buffenoir",
Title= "Fonctions de s\'{e}curit\'{e} pour la t\'{e}l\'{e}copie",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "103-110",
Year = "1995"}
26.	@Article{Car93,
Author= " Ulf Carlsen",
Title= "Using Logics to detect Implementation-Dependent Flaws",
Year = "1993",
Keywords= "authentication logic"}
27.	@Article{Cat95,
Author= "Andr\'{e} Cattieuw",
Title= "Notion de preuve sans transfert de connaissance",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "35-42",
Year = "1995"}
28.	@Article{CGHM81,
Author= " M.H. Cheheyl and M. Gasser and G.A. Huff and J.K. Millen",
Title= "Verifying Security",
Journal= "Computing Surveys",
Volume = "13",
Number = "3",
Month = "September",
Year = "1981"}
29.	@Article{CLT88,
Author= " A.C. Capel and C. Lafierre and K.C. Toth",
Title= "Protecting the security of {X}.25 Communications",
Journal= "Data Communication",
Month = "November",
Year = "1988"}
30.	@Article{Col90,
Author= " Robert Cole",
Title= "A Model for Security Distributed Systems",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
31.	@Article{Coo71,
Author= " S.A. Cook",
Title= "The Complexity of Theorem Proving Procedures",
Journal= "ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing",
Year = "1971"}
32.	@Article{CW87,
Author= " D.D. Clark and D.R. Wilson",
Title= "A Comparison of Commercial and Military Computer Security Policies",
Journal= "IEEE",
Year = "1987"}
33.	@Article{Dav81,
Author= " D.W. Davies",
Title= "Ciphers and the Application of the Data Encryption Standard",
Journal= "Computer IEEE",
Year = "1981"}
34.	@Article{Dav83,
Author= " D.W. Davies",
Title= "Applying the RSA Digital Signature to Electronic Mail",
Journal= "Computer",
Month = "February",
Year = "1983"}
35.	@Article{Deh89,
Author= " Khosrow Dehnad",
Title= "A Simple Way of Improving the Login Security",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "8",
Month = "November",
Year = "1989"}
36.	@Article{Den76,
Author= " Dorothy E. Denning",
Title= "A Lattice Model of Secure Information Flow",
Journal= "ACM",
Volume = "19",
Number = "5",
Month = "May",
Year = "1976"}
37.	@Article{Den87,
Author= " D.E. Denning",
Title= "An Intrusion-Detection Model",
Journal= "IEEE transaction on Software Engineering",
Pages= "222-232",
Volume = "13",
Number = "2",
Year = "1987"}
38.	@Article{Den96,
Author= "Dorothy E. Denning",
Title= "A Taxonomy for Key Escrow Encryption Systems",
Journal= "Communication of the ACM",
Year = "1996",
Volume = "39",
Number = "3",
Month = "March",
Keywords= "tiers de confiance key escrowing"}
39.	@Article{DGKS94,
Author= "Michel Denault and Dimitris Gritzalis and Dimitris Karagiannis and Paul Spirakis",
Title= "Intrusion Detection: Approach and Performance Issues of the SECURENET System",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "13",
Pages = "495-508",
Year = "1994"}
40.	@Article{DH76,
Author= " W. Diffie and M.E. Hellam",
Title= "New Directions in Cryptography",
Journal= "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory",
Volume = "IT-22",
Number = "6",
Month = "November",
Year = "1976"}
41.	@Article{DH77,
Author= " W. Diffie and M.E. Hellam",
Title= "Exhaustive Cryptanalysis of the NBS DES",
Journal= "Computer",
Volume = "10",
Number = "6",
Month = "June",
Year = "1977"}
42.	@Article{DM83,
Author= " R. DeMillo and M. Merritt",
Title= "Protocol for Data Security",
Journal= "Computer",
Month = "February",
Year = "1983"}
43.	@Article{DMC92,
Author= "R. Dixon and C. Marston and P. Collier",
Title= "A Report on the Joint CIMA and IIA Computer Fraud Survey",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Year = "1992",
Volume = "11",
Pages = "307-313",
Keywords= "hacking"}
44.	@Article{ET91,
Author= " D. Estrin and G. Tsudik",
Title= "Secure Control of Transit internetwork traffic",
Journal= "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Ed.",
Year = "1991"}
45.	@Article{Fen74,
Author= " J.S. Fenton",
Title= "Memoryless Subsystems",
Journal= "The computer journal",
Volume = "17",
Number = "2",
Year = "1974"}
46.	@Article{Fer90,
Author= " R. Ferreira",
Title= "The Practical Application of State of The Art Security in Real Environments",
Journal= "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
Volume = "453",
Year = "1990"}
47.	@Article{Fer91,
Author= " Josep Domingo-Ferrer",
Title= "Algorithm-Sequenced Access Control",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "10",
Month = "October",
Year = "1991"}
48.	@Article{Fra83,
Author= " L.J. Fraim",
Title= "Scomp: A Solution to the Multilevel Security Problem",
Journal= "Computer",
Volume = "16",
Number = "7",
Month = "July",
Year = "1983"}
49.	@Article{Fra95a,
Author= "Henri Francesconi",
Title= "L'\'{e}coute des signaux parasites",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "125-128",
Year = "1995"}
50.	@Article{Fra95b,
Author= "Henri Francesconi",
Title= "La r\'{e}glementation fran\c{c}aise sur la cryptologie",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "129-136",
Year = "1995"}
51.	@Article{GMP92,
Author= " J.Glasgow and G. MacEwen and P. Panangaden",
Title= "A logic for Reasoning About Security",
Journal= "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems",
Volume = "10",
Number = "3",
Month = "August",
Year = "1992",
Keywords= "authentication logic"}
52.	@Article{GS91,
Author= "Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford",
Title= "Practical UNIX Security",
Journal= "SunExpert",
Year = "1991",
Pages = "68-73",
Keywords= ""}
53.	@Article{GS92b,
Author= "C.R Gent and C.P Sheppard",
Title= "Predicting Time Series by a Fully Connected Neural Network Trained by Back Propagation",
Journal= "Computing and Control Engineering Journal",
Month = "May",
Year = "1992"}
54.	@Article{GT95,
Author= "Jean-Pierre Georges and Roland Thies",
Title= "Les services d'authentification et de s\'{e}curit\'{e} dans le GSM",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "89-102",
Year = "1995"}
55.	@Article{Gui91,
Author= "Daniel Guinier",
Title= "Computer Virus Identification by Neural Networks",
Journal= "ACM SIGSAC Review",
Year = "1991",
Volume = "9",
Number = "4",
Pages = "49-59"}
56.	@Article{GUQ95,
Author= "Louis Guillou and Michel Ugon and Jean-Jacques Quisquater",
Title= "La carte \`{a} puce, un usage public de la cryptologie",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "67-88",
Year = "1995"}
57.	@Article{Gus88,
Author= " D. Gusfield",
Title= "A Graph Theoric Approach to Statistical Data Security",
Journal= "SIAM J. Computer",
Volume = "17",
Number = "3",
Year = "1988"}
58.	@Article{HA??,
Author= " Stephen E. Hansen and E. Todd Atkins",
Title= "Centralized System Monitoring With Swatch",
Journal= "Proceedings of the the USENIX Conference",
Year = "??"}
59.	@Article{Har89,
Author= " C.L. Harrold",
Title= "An Introduction to the SMITE Approach to Secure Computing",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "8",
Month = "October",
Year = "1989"}
60.	@Article{Har95,
Author= "Thierry Harl\'{e}",
Title= "Pas de syst\`{e}me cryptographique sans gestion de cl\'{e}s",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "53-60",
Year = "1995"}
61.	@Article{Has91,
Author= " J. Hastwell",
Title= "Measuring User Accountability in an Integrated Network Environment",
Journal= "",
Year = "1991"}
62.	@Article{Heb95a,
Author= "Patrick H\'{e}brard",
Title= "X509, un cadre g\'{e}n\'{e}ral d'authentification",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "111-124",
Year = "1995",
Keywords= "authentication X509"}
63.	@Article{Her87,
Author= " I.S. Herschberg",
Title= "The Hackers' Comfort",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "6",
Number = "2",
Pages = "133-138",
Year = "1987",
Keywords= "hacking"}
64.	@Article{Hig89,
Author= "H.J. Highland",
Title= "A Macro Virus",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Year = "1989",
Volume = "8",
Number = "3",
Pages = "178-188",
Keywords= ""}
65.	@Article{Hig90,
Author= "H.J. Highland",
Title= "Using and Breaking Encryption",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Year = "1990",
Volume = "9",
Number = "8",
Pages = "668-671",
Keywords= "encryption emigma"}
66.	@Article{HRU76,
Author= " M.A. Harrison and W.L. Ruzzo and J.D. Ullman",
Title= "Protection in operating systems",
Journal= "ACM",
Volume = "19",
Number = "8",
Pages = "461-471",
Month = "August",
Year = "1976"}
67.	@Article{Hru88,
Author= " J.Hruska",
Title= "Data viruses, Trojan horses and logic bombs-how to combat them?",
Journal= "Computer Fraud and Security Bulletin",
Volume = "10",
Number = "6",
Month = "April",
Year = "1988",
Keywords= "hacking"}
68.	@Article{Jan92,
Author= " Janus Associates",
Title= "Information Security Administration Model : A Management Model to Help Identify the Best Practices of the Administration Function within the Security Group",
Journal= "Computer and Security",
Volume = "11",
Pages= "327-340",
Year = "1992"}
69.	@Article{Jef96,
Author= "Terry L. Jeffress",
Title= "The Auditcon Utility",
Journal= "NetWare Connection",
Year = "1996",
Pages = "32-42",
Month = "December",
Keywords= ""}
70.	@Article{JMG88,
Author= " C. Jard and J.F. Monin and R. Groz",
Title= "Development of V\'{e}da, a Prototyping Tool for Distributed Algorithms",
Journal= "IEEE Transactions on software engineering",
Volume = "14",
Number = "3",
Month = "March",
Year = "1988"}
71.	@Article{Kak83,
Author= " S.C. Kak",
Title= "Data Security in Computer Networks",
Journal= "Computer IEEE",
Pages = "8-10",
Year = "1983"}
72.	@Article{Kak88,
Author= " Viiveke Fak",
Title= "Are we vulnerable to a virus attack? A report from Sweden",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "7",
Month = "April",
Year = "1988",
Keywords= "hacking"}
73.	@Article{KBN88,
Author= " B.C. Karp and L.K. Barker and L.D. Nelson",
Title= "The Secure Data Network System",
Journal= "ATT Technical Journal",
Pages = "19-27",
Month = "May",
Year = "1988"}
74.	@Article{Kem82a,
Author= " R.A. Kemmerer",
Title= "Formal Verification of an Operating System Kernel",
Journal= "Communication of the ACM",
Volume = "12",
Number = "10",
Pages = "576-581",
Year = "1982"}
75.	@Article{Klu91,
Author= " H.M. Kluepfel",
Title= "In search of the cuckoo's nest - an auditing framework for evaluating the security of open networks",
Journal= "EDP Auditor Journal",
Volume = "3",
Pages = "36-48",
Year = "1991",
Keywords= "hacking"}
76.	@Article{KP91,
Author= " R.A. Kemmerer and P.A. Porras",
Title= "Covert Flow Trees: A Visual Approach to Analyzing Covert Storage Channels",
Journal= "IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering",
Volume = "17",
Number = "11",
Month = "November",
Year = "1991"}
77.	@Article{Kru89,
Author= " Jan P. Kruys",
Title= "Security of Open Systems",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "8",
Month = "April",
Year = "1989"}
78.	@Article{Kru91,
Author= " Jan P. Kruys",
Title= "Progress in Secure Distributed Systems",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "10",
Month = "August",
Year = "1991"}
79.	@Article{Lac74,
Author= " R.D. Lackey",
Title= "Penetration of computer systems an overview",
Journal= "Honeywell Computer Journal",
Year = "1974",
Keywords= "hacking"}
80.	@Article{Lal.90c,
Author= " T.F. Lunt and D. Denning and R. Schell and M. Heckman and W. Shockley",
Title= "The SeaView Security Model",
Journal= "IEEE Trans. on Soft. Engineering",
Volume = "16",
Number = "6",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
81.	@Article{Lam73,
Author= " B.W. Lampson",
Title= "A Note on the Confinement Problem",
Journal= "ACM",
Volume = "16",
Number = "10",
Pages = "613-615",
Month = "October",
Year = "1973"}
82.	@Article{Lam74,
Author= " B.W. Lampson",
Title= "Protection",
Journal= "ACM",
Volume = "8",
Number = "1",
Pages = "18-24",
Month = "January",
Year = "1974"}
83.	@Article{Lan81,
Author= " C.E. Landwerh",
Title= "Formal Models for Computer Security",
Journal= "Computer Surveys",
Volume = "13",
Pages = "247-275",
Year = "1981"}
84.	@Article{LAN86,
Author= " Y. Lapid and N. Ahituv and S. Neumann",
Title= "Approaches to handling 'Trojan Horse' threats",
Journal= "Computer and security",
Volume = "5",
Month = "September",
Year = "1986",
Keywords= "hacking"}
85.	@Article{LAN89,
Author= "{European Institute for System Security} {EISS}",
Title= "Local Area Network Security",
Journal= "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
Volume = "396",
Year = "1989"}
86.	@Article{Lat90,
Author= " David L. Lathrop",
Title= "Perestroika and its implications for Computer Security in the {U.S.S.R.}",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Month = "December",
Year = "1990"}
87.	@Article{Lee90,
Author= " P.J. Lee",
Title= "Secure User Access Control for Public Networks",
Journal= "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
Volume = "453",
Year = "1990"}
88.	@Article{Lep95,
Author= "Marie-Noelle Lepareux",
Title= "Introduction aux protocoles z\'{e}ro-connaissance",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "43-52",
Year = "1995"}
89.	@Article{LHM84,
Author= " C.E. Landwehr and C.L. Heitmeyer and J. McLean",
Title= "A Security Model for Military Message System",
Journal= "ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.",
Volume = "2",
Pages = "198-222",
Year = "1984"}
90.	@Article{Llo90,
Author= " Ivor Lloyd",
Title= "Software Evaluation in High Integrity Systems",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Month = "August",
Year = "1990"}
91.	@Article{LR92,
Author= " D. Longley and S. Rigby",
Title= "An Automatic Search for Security Flaws in Key Management Schemes",
Journal= "Computer and Security",
Volume = "11",
Number = "1",
Pages = "75-89",
Month = "May",
Year = "1992"}
92.	@Article{LS90,
Author= " W.P. Lu and M.K. Sundareshan",
Title= "A Model for Multilevel Security in Computer Networks",
Journal= "IEEE trans. on software",
Volume = "16",
Number = "6",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
93.	@Article{Lun89,
Author= " Teresa F. Lunt",
Title= "Access Control Policies : Some unanswered Questions",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "8",
Month = "February",
Year = "1989"}
94.	@Article{Lun93,
Author= " Teresa F. Lunt",
Title= "A Survey of Intrusion Detection techniques",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "12",
Year = "1993"}
95.	@Article{LV92,
Author= " G.E. Liepins and H.S. Vaccaro",
Title= "Intrusion Detection: Its Role and Validation",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "11",
Pages = "347-355",
Year = "1992"}
96.	@Article{MA96,
Author= "Ludovic M\'{e} and V\'{e}ronique Alanou",
Title= "D\'{e}tection d'intrusions dans un syst\`{e}me informatique~: m\'{e}thodes et outils",
Journal= "TSI",
Volume = "15",
Number = "4",
Pages = "429-450",
Year = "1996" }
97.	@Article{MAA97,
Author= "Ludovic M\'{e} and V\'{e}ronique Alanou and Jorg Abraham",
Title= "Utilisation de cartes de Kohonen pour d\'{e}tecter des intrusions dans un syst\`{e}me informatique : une pr\'{e}-\'{e}tude",
Journal= "Valgo",
Year = "1997"}
98.	@Article{Mcc90,
Author= " D. MC. Cullough",
Title= "A Hookup Theorem for Multilevel Security",
Journal= "IEEE Trans. on Soft. Engineering",
Volume = "16",
Number = "6",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
99.	@Article{Men90,
Author= " Belden Menkus",
Title= "How an 'Audit Trail' Aids in Maintaining Information Illustrated in Retailing",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Number = "2",
Month = "April",
Year = "1990"}
100.	@Article{Men91,
Author= " B. Menkus",
Title= "'Hackers': know the adversary",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "10",
Number = "5",
Pages = "405-409",
Month = "August",
Year = "1991",
Keywords= "hacking"}
101.	@Article{Mer79,
Author= " P.M. Merlin",
Title= "Specification and Validation of Protocols",
Journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications",
Volume = "27",
Number = "11",
Month = "November",
Year = "1979"}
102.	@Article{Mer90a,
Author= " Lindsay C.J. Mercer",
Title= "Tailor-made Auditing of Information Systems for the Detection of Fraud",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Number = "1",
Month = "February",
Year = "1990"}
103.	@Article{Mer90b,
Author= " Lindsay C.J. Mercer",
Title= "Fraud Detection via Regression Analysis",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Number = "5",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
104.	@Article{MF90,
Author= " A.M. Myong and K.A. Forcht",
Title= "The computer hacker: friend or foe?",
Journal= "Journal of Computer Information Systems",
Volume = "31",
Number = "2",
Pages = "47-49",
Year = "1990",
Keywords= "hacking"}
105.	@Article{Mil89,
Author= " J.K. Millen",
Title= "Models of Multilevel Computer Security",
Journal= "Advance in Computers",
Volume = "29",
Year = "1989"}
106.	@Article{ML91,
Author= " M. Masmoudi and D.E. Lafaye de Micheaux",
Title= "Les lignes priv\'{e}es virtuelles",
Journal= "T.S.I.",
Volume = "10",
Number = "2",
Year = "1991"}
107.	@Article{MS90,
Author= " Robert A. McKosky and Sajjan G. Shiva",
Title= "A File Integrity Checking System to Detect and Recover from Program Modification Attacks in Multi-User Computer Systems",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Number = "4",
Month = "May",
Year = "1990"}
108.	@Article{MS95,
Author= "David M'Raihi and Bruce Schneider",
Title= "Taxonomie des algorithmes cryptographiques",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "11-34",
Year = "1995"}
109.	@Article{Nes87,
Author= "D.M. Nessett",
Title= "Factors Affecting Distributed System Security",
Journal= "IEEE TOSE",
Month = "February",
Year = "1987"}
110.	@Article{NF89,
Author= " Norme Fran\c{c}çaise",
Title= "Interconnexion des syst\`{e}mes ouverts",
Journal= "NF EN 27498 (ISO 7498-1)",
Month = "ao\^{u}t",
Year = "1989"}
111.	@Article{NOP87,
Author= " D.B. Newman and J.K. Omura and R.L. Pickholtz",
Title= "Public Key Management for Network Security",
Journal= "IEEE Network Magazine",
Volume = "1",
Number = "2",
Month = "April",
Year = "1987"}
112.	@Article{NS78,
Author= " R.M. Needham and M.D. Schroeder",
Title= "Using encryption for authentication in large networks of computers",
Journal= "ACM",
Volume = "21",
Number = "12",
Year = "1978"}
113.	@Article{OA90,
Author= " Ingrid M. Olson and Marshall D. Abrams",
Title= "Computer Access Control Policy Choices",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Month = "December",
Year = "1990"}
114.	@Article{OT89,
Author= " E. Okamoto and K. Tanaka",
Title= "Identity-Based Information Security Management System for Personal Computer Networks",
Journal= "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications", Volume = "7",
Number = "2",
Month = "February",
Year = "1989"}
115.	@Article{PH90,
Author= " R. Paans and I.S. Herschberg",
Title= "Auditing the Change Management Process",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Number = "2",
Month = "April",
Year = "1990"}
116.	@Article{Pic87,
Author= " J. Picciotto",
Title= "The Design of an Effective Auditing Subsystem",
Journal= "IEEE",
Year = "1987"}
117.	@Article{Pre89,
Author= " C.M. Preston",
Title= "Artificial Intelligence Applied to Information System Security",
Journal= "Information Age (Guildford)",
Volume = "11",
Number = "411",
Pages = "217-224",
Year = "1989"}
118.	@Article{PS91,
Author= " D. Pottas and S.H. von Solms",
Title= "A Computerized Management Reporting Aid for a Mainframe Security System",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "10",
Month = "October",
Year = "1991"}
119.	@Article{PW88,
Author= " L.G. Pierson and E.L. Witzke",
Title= "A Security Methodology for Computer Networks",
Journal= "ATT Technical Journal",
Pages = "28-36",
Month = "May",
Year = "1988"}
120.	@Article{Ram90,
Author= " Raju Ramaswamy",
Title= "A key Management Algorithm for Secure Communication in Open Systems Interconnection Architecture",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "9",
Month = "February",
Year = "1990"}
121.	@Article{RC77,
Author= " R.C. Read and D.G. Corneil",
Title= "The Graph Isomorphism Disease",
Journal= "Journal of Graph Theory",
Volume = "1",
Year = "1977"}
122.	@Article{Rei95,
Author= "Jim Reid",
Title= "Open Systems Security: Traps and Pitfalls",
Journal= "Computers & Security",
Year = "1995",
Number = "14",
Pages = "496-517"}
123.	@Article{RMS89,
Author= " Bruce L. Riddle and Murray S. Miron and Judith A. Semo",
Title= "Passwords in Use in a University Timesharing Environment",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "8",
Month = "November",
Year = "1989"}
124.	@Article{RMV94,
Author= "Pierre Rolin and Ludovic M\'{e} and Jos\'{e} Vazquez",
Title= "S\'{e}curit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes informatiques",
Journal= "R\'{e}seaux et Informatique Repartie",
Year = "1994",
Pages = "31-74"}
125.	@Article{Rou85,
Author= " C.C. Rous",
Title= "What makes hackers tick? A computer owner's guide",
Journal= "CIPS Review",
Volume = "9",
Number = "4",
Pages = "14-15",
Month = "July",
Year = "1985",
Keywords= "hacking"}
126.	@Article{Rou95,
Author= "Yves Le Roux",
Title= "L'affaire Clipper, les d\'{e}bats sur le chiffrement aux Etats-Unis",
Journal= "Syst\`{e}mes et s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "61-66",
Year = "1995"}
127.	@Article{RR83,
Author= " J. Rushby and B. Randell",
Title= "A Distributed Secure System",
Journal= "Computer",
Volume = "16",
Number = "7",
Pages = "5-67",
Year = "1983"}
128.	@Article{RSA78a,
Author= " R.L. Rivest and A. Shamir and L. Adleman",
Title= "A Mothod for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-key Cryptosystems",
Journal= "ACM",
Volume = "2",
Number = "2",
Month = "February",
Year = "1978"}
129.	@Article{Rus81,
Author= " J. Rushby",
Title= "Design and Verification of Secure Systems",
Journal= "ACM",
Volume = "15",
Number = "5",
Pages = "12-21",
Month = "December",
Year = "1981"}
130.	@Article{Rus90,
Author= "D. Russel",
Title= "High-level Security Architecture and the {K}erberos System",
Journal= "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
Volume = "19",
Pages = "201-214",
Year = "1990"}
131.	@Article{San88,
Author= " R.S. Sandhu",
Title= "The Schematic Protection Model: Its Definition and Analysis for Acyclic Attenuating Schemes",
Journal= "Association for Computing Machinery",
Volume = "35",
Number = "2",
Month = "April",
Year = "1988"}
132.	@Article{Sat89,
Author= " M. Satyanarayanan",
Title= "Integrating Security in a Large Distributed System",
Journal= "ACM TOCS",
Volume = "7",
Number = "3",
Pages = "247-280",
Month = "August",
Year = "1989"}
133.	@Article{Sch89,
Author= "Herv\'{e} Schauer",
Title= "La comptabilit\'{e} UNIX System V",
Journal= "Tribunix",
Year = "1989",
Volume = "26"}
134.	@Article{SG91,
Author= " S.W. Shieh and V.D. Gligor",
Title= "A Pattern-Oriented Intrusion-Detection Model and its Applications",
Journal= "IEEE",
Year = "1991"}
135.	@Article{SH96,
Author= "Michael Shoffner and Merlin Hughes",
Title= "Java and Web-Executable Object Security",
Journal= "Dr. Dobb's Journal",
Year = "1996",
Month = "november",
url= ""}
136.	@Article{Sha49,
Author= " C.E. Shannon",
Title= "Communication Theory of Secure Systems",
Journal= "Bell System Technical Journal",
Volume = "28",
Year = "1949"}
137.	@Article{Sim89,
Author= " G.J. Simmons",
Title= "A Protocol to Provide Verifiable Proof of Identity and Unforgeable transaction Receipts",
Journal= "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications",
Volume = "7",
Number = "4",
Month = "May",
Year = "1989"}
138.	@Article{Sny81,
Author= " L. Snyder",
Title= "Formal Models of Capability-Based Protection Stystems",
Journal= "IEEE trans. comput",
Volume = "C30",
Number = "3",
Year = "1981"}
139.	@Article{Sto88,
Author= " C. Stoll",
Title= "Stalking the wily hacker",
Journal= "Communications of the ACM",
Volume = "31",
Number = "5",
Pages = "484-97",
Month = "May",
Year = "1988",
Keywords= "hacking"}
140.	@Article{TGC90,
Author= " C. Tsai and V.D. Gligor and C.S. Chandersekaran",
Title= "On the Identification of Covert Storage Channels in Secure Systems",
Journal= "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
141.	@Article{TI89,
Author= " S. Tsujii and T. Itoh",
Title= "An ID-Based Cryptosystem Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem",
Journal= "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications",
Volume = "7",
Number = "4",
Month = "May",
Year = "1989"}
142.	@Article{Var89,
Author= " Vijay Varadharajan",
Title= "Verification of Network Security Protocols",
Journal= "Computers and Security",
Volume = "8",
Month = "December",
Year = "1989"}
143.	@Article{Var90a,
Author= " Vijay Varadharajan",
Title= "Network Security Policy Models",
Journal= "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
Volume = "453",
Pages = "74-95",
Year = "1990"}
144.	@Article{VK83,
Author= " V.L. Voydock and S.T. Kent",
Title= "Security Mechanisms in High Level Network Protocols",
Journal= "ACM Computing Surveys",
Pages= "135-171",
Month = "June",
Year = "1983"}
145.	@Article{VK84,
Author= " V.L. Voydock and S.T. Kent",
Title= "Security Mechanisms in a Transport Layer Protocol",
Journal= "Computer Networks",
Volume = "8",
Pages = "433-450",
Year = "1984"}
146.	@Article{VK85,
Author= " V.L. Voydock and S.T. Kent",
Title= "Security in High Level Network Protocols",
Journal= "IEEE Comm.",
Pages = "12-24",
Month = "July",
Year = "1985"}
147.	@Article{WC90,
Author= " S.R. White and L. Comerford",
Title= "ABYSS: An Architecture for Software Protection",
Journal= "IEEE Trans. on Soft. Engineering",
Volume = "16",
Number = "6",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
148.	@Article{WFZ92,
Author= " J.Wu and E.B. Fernandez and R. Zhang",
Title= "Some Extensions to the Lattice Model for Computer Security",
Journal= "Computer and Security",
Volume = "11",
Year = "1992"}
149.	@Article{Whi89,
Author= " C.E. White",
Title= "Viruses and worms: a campus under attack",
Journal= "Computer and security",
Volume = "8",
Month = "June",
Year = "1989",
Keywords= "hacking"}
150.	@Article{Wing90,
Author= " J.M. Wing",
Title= "A Specifier's Introduction to Formal Methods",
Journal= "IEEE Computer",
Year = "1990"}
151.	@Article{Wit87,
Author= " I.H. Witten",
Title= "Computer (In)security : Infiltrating Open Systems",
Journal= "Abacus",
Address= "New York",
Volume = "4",
Number = "4",
Pages = "7-25",
Year = "1987",
Keywords= "hacking"}
152.	@Article{WL92a,
Author= " Y.C. Win and S. Lam",
Title= "Authentication for Distributed Systems",
Journal= "Computer",
Month = "January",
Year = "1992"}
153.	@Article{Wol89,
Author= " M. Wolf",
Title= "Covert Channels in {LAN} Protocols",
Journal= "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Local Area Network Security",
Volume = "396",
Year = "1989"}
154.	@Article{Woo84,
Author= " C.C. Wood",
Title= "Countering UnAuthorized Systems Accesses",
Journal= "Journal of Systems Management",
Month = "April",
Year = "1984"}
155.	@Article{X90,
Author= " {XXX Article non sign\'{e} }",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} informatique et son livre orange",
Journal= "G\'{e}nie Logiciel et Syst\`{e}mes Experts",
Volume = "19",
Month = "juin",
Year = "1990"}
156.	@Article{YG90,
Author= " Ch. Yu and V. D. Gligor",
Title= "A Specification and Verification Method for Preventing Denial of Service",
Journal= "IEEE Trans. on Soft. Engineering",
Volume = "16",
Number = "6",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
157.	@Article{You85,
Author= " W.D. Young",
Title= "Proving a Computer System Secure",
Journal= "Scientific Honeyweller",
Volume = "6",
Number = "2",
Month = "July",
Year = "1985"}
158.	@book{Ben96,
Author= "Alain Bensoussan",
Title= "Les T\'{e}l\'{e}coms et le droit",
Publisher = "Hermes",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= ""}
159.	@book{Den82,
Author= " Dorothy E. Denning",
Title= "Cryptography and Data Security",
Publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
Year = "1982"}
160.	@book{DP89,
Author= " D.W. Davies and W.L. Price",
Title= "Security for Computer Networks",
Publisher = "John Willey and Sons Publications",
Edition = "2nd",
Year = "1989"}
161.	@book{Gas88,
Author= " M. Gasser",
Title= "Building a secure computer system",
Publisher = "Van Hoostrand and Reinhold",
Year = "1988"}
162.	@book{GJ79,
Author= " M.R. Garey and D.S. Johnson",
Title= "Computers and Intractability : A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness",
Publisher = "W.H. Freeman and Company",
Year = "1979"}
163.	@book{Gri81,
Author= " David Gries",
Title= "The Science of Programming",
Publisher = "Springer-Verlag, New York",
Year = "1981"}
164.	@book{LLT87,
Author= " J.M. Lamere and Y. Leroux and J. Tourly",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} des r\'{e}seaux : M\'{e}thodes et techniques",
Publisher = "DUNOD",
Year = "1987"}
165.	@book{MG87,
Author= " C. Macchi and J.F. {Guilbert and 13 Co-auteurs}",
Title= "T\'{e}l\'{e}informatique",
Publisher = "DUNOD",
Edition = "2",
Year = "1987"}
166.	@book{MM82,
Author= " C.H. Meyer and S.M. Matyas",
Title= "Cryptography: A Guide for the Design and Implementation of Secure Systems",
Publisher = "John Willey and Sons Publications",
Year = "1982"}
167.	@book{PSRH85,
Author= " G. Pujolle and D. Serret and D. Dromard and E.Horlait",
Title= "R\'{e}seaux et T\'{e}l\'{e}matique, Tomes 1 et 2",
Publisher = "EYROLLES",
Year = "1985"}
168.	@book{Rol89,
Author= " Pierre Rolin",
Title= "R\'{e}seaux locaux : Normes et protocoles",
Publisher = "HERMES",
Edition = "2",
Year = "1989"}
169.	@book{SB86,
Author= " B. Sarikaya and G. Bochmann",
Title= "Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, VI",
Publisher = "NORTH-HOLLAND",
Year = "1986"}
170.	@book{Spi89,
Author= " J.M. Spivey",
Title= "The Z Notation : a reference Manual",
Publisher = "C.A.R. Hoare Series Editor",
Year = "1989"}
171.	@in proceedings{DR91,
Author= " Marc Dacier and Michel Rutsaert",
Title= "Comment g\'{e}rer la transitivit\'{e} en s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
BookTitle= "Actes de la convention {UNIX}'91",
Pages = "205-217",
Year = "1991"}
172.	@in proceedings{Eal.92,
Author= " J. Epstein and J. McHugh and R. Pascale and C. Martin and D. Rothnie and H. Orman and A. Marmor-Squires and M. Branstad and B. Danner",
Title= "Evolution of a Trusted {B}3 Window System Prototype",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "226-239",
Year = "1992"}
173.	@inbook{Hag96,
Author= "Jean Haguet",
Title= "L'internet~: guide stratégique pour l'entreprise",
Chapter ="15",
Publisher = "Masson",
Year = "1996",
url= "",
Keywords= "commerce electronique" }
174.	@inbook{Jac91,
Author= " J.L. Jacob",
Title= "Specifying security properties",
Publisher = "??",
Chapter ="??",
Year = "1991"}
175.	@inbook{Lan83,
Author= "Bill Landreth",
Title= "Histoire du piratage informatique",
Chapter ="2",
Pages = "27-35",
Publisher = "\'{e}diteur non connu",
Year = "1983",
Keywords= ""}
176.	@Proceedings{Aal.97,
Author= "Paul Ammann and Sushil Jajodia and Catherine D. McCollum and Barbara T. Blaustein",
Title= "Surviving Information Warfare Attacks on Databases",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1997",
url= "",
Keywords= "intrusions detection"}
177.	@Proceedings{AB90,
Author= " I.F. Akyildiz and G.S. Benson",
Title= "A Security Reclassifier for a Local Area Network",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "85-96",
Year = "1990"}
178.	@Proceedings{ABJ93,
Author= " V. Atluri and E. Bertino and S. Jajodia",
Title= "Achieving Stricter Correctness Requirements in Multilevel Secure Databases",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "135-149",
Year = "1993"}
179.	@Proceedings{AJJ92,
Author= " P. Ammann and F. Jaeckle and S. Jajodia",
Title= "A Two Snapshot Algorithm for Concurrency Control in Multi-Level Secure Databases",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "204-215",
Year = "1992"}
180.	@Proceedings{AL92,
Author= "Bruno d' Ausbourg and Jean-Henri Llareus",
Title= "M2{S} : A Machine for Multilevel Security",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "373-392",
Year = "1992"}
181.	@Proceedings{And85,
Author= " J.P. Anderson",
Title= "A Unification of Computer and Network Security and Privacy Concepts",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1985"}
182.	@Proceedings{And92,
Author= " Ross J. Anderson",
Title= "UEPS - A Second Generation Electronic Wallet",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security(ESORICS)",
Pages = "411-418",
Year = "1992"}
183.	@InProceedings{Bad91,
Author= "Lee Badger",
Title= "{Covert Channel Analysis Planning for Large Systems}",
Pages = "120-136",
Year = 1991,
BookTitle= "{Proceedings of the 14th National Computer Security Conference}",
Address= "Washington, DC",
Month = oct}
184.	@Proceedings{Bai90,
Author= " D.J. Bailey",
Title= "Managing Computer Security : How Can Research Help ?",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "235-242",
Year = "1990"}
185.	@Proceedings{Bak91,
Author= " B.C. Baker",
Title= "Les enjeux des bases de donn\'{e}es SQL s\'{e}curis\'{e}es",
BookTitle= "Convention {UNIX} 91",
Year = "1991"}
186.	@Proceedings{BD90,
Author= " L. Blain and Y. Deswarte",
Title= "An Intrusion-Tolerant Security Server for an Open Distributed System",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "97-104",
Year = "1990"}
187.	@Proceedings{Ben92,
Author= " G. Benson",
Title= "An Optimal Solution to the Secure Reader-Writer Problem",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "251-259",
Year = "1992"}
188.	@Proceedings{BG95,
Author= "Christophe Bidan and Sylvain Gombault",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} inter-domaine \`{a} l'aide des analyseurs des\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Pages = "131-142",
Year = 1995,
BookTitle= "Colloque Francophone sur l'Ing\'{e}nierie des Protocoles",
Address= "Rennes, France",
Month = may}
189.	@Proceedings{BGS92,
Author= " John A. Bull and Li Gong and Karen R. Sollins",
Title= "Towards Security in an Open Systems Federation",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "3-20",
Year = "1992"}
190.	@Proceedings{Bie90,
Author= " P. Bieber",
Title= "Epistemic Verification of Cryptographic Protocols",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "211-222",
Year = "1990"}
191.	@Proceedings{Bis90,
Author= " J. Biskup",
Title= "A General Framework for Database Security",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages= "35-44",
Year = "1990"}
192.	@Proceedings{BJMN93,
Author= " B.T. Blaustein and S. Jajodia and C.D. McCollum and L. Notargiacomo",
Title= "A Model of Atomicity for Multilevel Transactions",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "120-134",
Year = "1993"}
193.	@Proceedings{BK88,
Author= " D.S. Bauer and M.E. Koblentz",
Title= "NIDX, a Real-Time Intrusion Detection Expert System",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the USENIX'88 Conference",
Pages = "261-272",
Month = "june",
Year = "1988"}
194.	@Proceedings{BM92,
Author= " S.M. Bellovin and M. Merritt",
Title= "Encrypted Key Exchange : Password-Based Protocols Secure Against Dictionary Attacks",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "72-84",
Year = "1992"}
195.	@Proceedings{BN89,
Author= " D.F.C. Brewer and M.J. Nash",
Title= "The Chinese Wall Security Policy",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1989"}
196.	@Proceedings{Boy92,
Author= " Colin Boyd",
Title= "A Formal Framework for Authentication",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "273-292",
Year = "1992"}
197.	@Proceedings{Bro79,
Author= " P. Browne",
Title= "The Security Audit",
BookTitle= "Checklist For Computer Security Center Self-Audits",
Pages = "173-184",
Year = "1979"}
198.	@Proceedings{Cal.90,
Author= " P. Casey and A. Brouwer and D. Herson and J.F. Pacault and F. Taal and U. Van Essen",
Title= "Harmonised Criteria for the Security Evaluation of its Systems and Products",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "243-",
Year = "1990"}
199.	@Proceedings{Cal92,
Author= " Christel Calas",
Title= "GDoM : a Multilevel Document Manager",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "393-410",
Year = "1992"}
200.	@Proceedings{CD92,
Author= " O. Costich and J. McDermott",
Title= "A Multilevel Transaction Problem for Multilevel Secure Database Systems and Its Solution for the Replicated Architecture",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "192-203",
Year = "1992"}
201.	@Proceedings{Cha86,
Author= " B.G. Matley",
Title= "An Analysis of the Differences between the computer Security Practices in the Military and Private Sectors",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "71-74",
Year = "1986"}
202.	@Proceedings{Chr96,
Author= "Abdellatif Chraibi",
Title= "V\'{e}rification des protocoles cryptographiques de signature",
BookTitle= "Actes du congr\`{e}s CFIP'96",
Year = "1996"}
203.	@Proceedings{Cup90b,
Author= " F. Cuppens",
Title= "An Epistemic and deontic Logic for Reasoning about Computer Security",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "135-146",
Year = "1990"}
204.	@Proceedings{Cup93,
Author= " F. Cuppens",
Title= "A Logical Analysis of Authorized and Prohibited Information Flows",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "100-109",
Year = "1993"}
205.	@Proceedings{CY92,
Author= " F. Cuppens and K. Yazdanian",
Title= "A 'Natural' Decomposition of Multi-level Relations",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "273-285",
Year = "1992"}
206.	@Proceedings{DBS92,
Author= " Herv\'{e} Debar and Monique Becker and Didier Siboni",
Title= "A Neural Network Component for an Intrusion Detection System",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium of Research in Computer Security and Privacy",
Pages = "240-250",
Month = "May",
Year = "1992"}
207.	@Proceedings{Des92,
Author= " Yvo Desmedt",
Title= "Breaking the Traditional Computer Security Barriers",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "125-140",
Year = "1992"}
208.	@Proceedings{DFH96,
Author= "Patrick D'Haeseleer and Stephanie Forrest and Paul Helman",
Title= "An Immunological Approach to Change Detection: Algorithms, Analysis and Implications",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1996",
Pages = "110-119",
Month = "May",
url= ""}
209.	@Proceedings{DGV92,
Author= " Joan Daemen and Ren\'{e} Govaerts and Joos Vandewalle",
Title= "A Hardware Design Model for Cryptographic Algorithms",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "419-434",
Year = "1992"}
210.	@Proceedings{DHN88,
Author= " A.L. Donaldson and J. McHugh and K.A. Nyberg",
Title= "Covert Channels in Trusted {LAN}'s",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 11th National Computer Security Conference",
Year = "1988"}
211.	@Proceedings{DM90,
Author= " E. Deberdt and S. Martin",
Title= "Methodology 'Minerve Security' Evaluation Process of Software Security",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "223-234",
Year = "1990"}
212.	@Proceedings{FL96,
Author= "Stephanie Forrest and Thomas Longstaff",
Title= "A Sense of Self for Unix Processes",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1996",
Pages = "120-128",
Month = "May"}
213.	@Proceedings{FLR77,
Author= " R.J. Feiertag and K.N. Levitt and L. Robinson",
Title= "Proving Multilevel Security of a System Design",
BookTitle= "6th ACM symposium on operating system principles",
Pages = "57-65",
Month = "November",
Year = "1977"}
214.	@Proceedings{FM93,
Author= " T. Fine and S.E. Minear",
Title= "Assuring Distributed Trusted Mach",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "206-218",
Year = "1993"}
215.	@Proceedings{FN79,
Author= " R.J. Feiertag and P.G. Neumann",
Title= "The Foundation of a Provably Secure Operating System ({PSOS})",
BookTitle= "NCC",
Volume = "47",
Editor= "AFIPS Press",
Year = "1979"}
216.	@Proceedings{FR92,
Author= " Jean-Charles Fabre and Brian Randell",
Title= "An Object-Oriented View of Fragmented Data Processing for Fault and Intrusion Tolerance in Distributed Systems",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "193-208",
Year = "1992"}
217.	@Proceedings{FS91,
Author= "Dan Farmer and E.H. Spafford",
Title= "The COPS Security Checker System",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 14th National Computer Security Conference",
Pages = "372-385",
Month = "October",
Year = "1991"}
218.	@Proceedings{FZ92,
Author= " G.P. Ford and Jun Zhang",
Title= "A structural graph matching approach to image understanding",
BookTitle= "SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering",
Volume = "1607",
Pages = "559-69",
Year = "1992"}
219.	@Proceedings{Gau91,
Author= "G. Gaudin",
Title= "Gestion de s\'{e}curit\'{e} en environnement h\'{e}t\'{e}rog\`{e}ne",
BookTitle= "De nouvelles architectures pour les communications~: les r\'{e}seaux informatiques, qualit\'{e} de service, s\'{e}curit\'{e} et performances",
Year = "1991",
Pages = "73-80",
Month = "octobre" }
220.	@Proceedings{GL91,
Author= " T.D. Garvey and T.F. Lunt",
Title= "Model-based Intrusion Detection",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 14th National Computer Security Conference",
Month = "October",
Year = "1991"}
221.	@Proceedings{GLP92,
Author= " V.D. Gligor and S.-W. Luan and J.N. Pato",
Title= "On Inter-Realm Authentification in Large Distributed Systems",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "2-17",
Year = "1992"}
222.	@Proceedings{GM82,
Author= " J. A. Goguen and J. Meseguer",
Title= "Security Policies and Security Models",
BookTitle= "IEEE Symp. Security and Privacy",
Year = "1982"}
223.	@Proceedings{GM89,
Author= "J. Glasgow and G. MacEwen",
Title= "Obligation as the Basis of Integrity Specification",
BookTitle= "Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Franconia, N.H.",
Month = "June",
Year = "1989"}
224.	@Proceedings{GM96,
Author= "Richard A. Griffith and Mac E. McGregor",
Title= "Designing and Operating a Multilevel Security Network Using Standard Commercial Products",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 19th National Information Systems Security Conference",
Year = "1996",
Month = "October",
url= "from",
Keywords= "Multilevel Security Network"}
225.	@Proceedings{GP90,
Author= " M. Girault and J.C. Pailles",
Title= "An Identity-Based Scheme Providing Zero-Knowledge Authentication and Authenticated Key Exchange",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "173-184",
Year = "1990"}
226.	@Proceedings{GPP90,
Author= " D. Graft and M. Pabrai and U. Pabrai",
Title= "Methodology for Network Security Design",
BookTitle= "IEEE Symp. Security and Privacy",
Pages = "675-682",
Year = "1990"}
227.	@Proceedings{Gra87,
Author= " C. Gray Girling",
Title= "Covert Channels in {LAN}'s",
BookTitle= "IEEE Symp. Security and Privacy",
Year = "1987"}
228.	@Proceedings{Gra93,
Author= " {J. W.} {Gray III}",
Title= "On Introducing Noise into the Bus-Contention Channel",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "90-99",
Year = "1993"}
229.	@Proceedings{GS92,
Author= " {J. W.} {Gray III} and P.F. Syverson",
Title= "A Logical Approach to Multilevel Security of Probabilistic Systems",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "164-176",
Year = "1992"}
230.	@Proceedings{HA92,
Author= "H. Hosmer and M. D. Abrams",
Title= "MultiPolicy Machine: A New Security Paradigm",
BookTitle= "IEEE Simposium on Security and Privacy",
Note = "Poster Session Abstract",
Year = "1992"}
231.	@Proceedings{Hal.93,
Author= " J.D. Horton and R. Harland and E. Ashby and R.H. Cooper and W.F. Hyslop and B.G. Nickerson and W.M. Stewart and O.K. Ward",
Title= "The Cascade Vulnerability Problem",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "110-119",
Year = "1993"}
232.	@InProceedings{Heb95b,
Author= "Patrick H\'{e}brard",
Title= "S\'{e}curit\'{e} dans les couches basses de l'OSI",
Pages = "111-129",
Year = 1995,
BookTitle= "Colloque Francophone sur l'Ing\'{e}nierie des Protocoles",
Address= "Rennes, France",
Month = may}
233.	@Proceedings{HG92,
Author= " Jingsha He and Virgil D. Gligor",
Title= "Formal Methods and Automated Tool for Timing-Channel Identification in {TCB} Source Code",
BookTitle= "proceedings of the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "57-76",
Year = "1992"}
234.	@Proceedings{HH86,
Author= " L. R. Halme and J. Van Horne",
Title= "Automated Analysis of Computer System Audit Trails for Security Purposes",
BookTitle= "Computer Security Conference",
Pages = "71-74",
Year = "1986"}
235.	@Proceedings{HK91,
Author= " I. Houston and S. King",
Title= "CICS project report - Experiences and Results from the Use of {Z} in {IBM}",
BookTitle= "Formal Software Development Methods: International Symposium of VDM Europe",
Volume = "2-4",
Editor= "Springer Verlag",
Address= "Berlin",
Year = "1991"}
236.	@Proceedings{HL92,
Author= " Ralf C. Hauser and E. Stewart Lee",
Title= "Verification and Modelling of Authentification Protocols",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "141-154",
Year = "1992"}
237.	@Proceedings{HLLS90,
Author= " G. Hoffmann and S. Lechner and M. Leclerca and F. Steiner",
Title= "Authentification and Access Control in a Distributed System",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "71-84",
Year = "1990"}
238.	@Proceedings{HLMM92,
Author= " Naji Habra and Baudouin Le Charlier and Abdelaziz Mounji and Isabelle Mathieu",
Title= "ASAX : Software Architecture and Rule- Based Language for Universal Audit Trail Analysis",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "435-450",
Year = "1992"}
239.	@Proceedings{HM90,
Author= " E.S. Hocking and J.A. McDermid",
Title= "Towards on Object-Oriented Development Environment for Secure Applications",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "191-200",
Year = "1990"}
240.	@Proceedings{Hos91a,
Author= " H. H. Hosmer",
Title= "Integrating Security Policies",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the Third RADC Workshop of Multilevel Database Security, Castile, NY, MITRE MTP 385",
Month = "May",
Year = "1991"}
241.	@Proceedings{Hos91b,
Author= " H. H. Hosmer",
Title= "Shared Sensitivity Labels",
BookTitle= "Data Security IV, Status and Prospects, North Holand",
Year = "1991"}
242.	@Proceedings{Hos91c,
Author= " H. H. Hosmer",
Title= "The Multipolicy Machine: A New Paradigm for Multilevel Secure Systems",
BookTitle= "National Institute of Standards and Technology Workshop on Secure Labels",
Month = "June",
Year = "1991"}
243.	@Proceedings{Hos91d,
Author= " H. H. Hosmer",
Title= "A Multipolicy Model: A Working Paper",
BookTitle= "Fourth RADC Multilevel Database Security Workshop",
Month = "April",
Year = "1991"}
244.	@Proceedings{Hos91e,
Author= " H. H. Hosmer",
Title= "Metapolicies {I}",
BookTitle= "ACM SIGSAC Data Management Workshop, San Antonio, TX",
Month = "December",
Year = "1991"}
245.	@Proceedings{Hos92,
Author= "H. H. Hosmer",
Title= "Metapolicies {II}",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 15th National Computer Security Conference, Baltimore, MD",
Month = "October",
Year = "1992"}
246.	@Proceedings{HS97,
Author= "John Hale and Sujeet Shenoi",
Title= "Catalytic Inference Analysis: Detecting Inference Threats due to Knowledge Discovery",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1997",
url= "",
Keywords= "intrusions detection"}
247.	@Proceedings{Hu92,
Author= " W.M. Hu",
Title= "Lattice Scheduling and Covert Channels",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "53-61",
Year = "1992"}
248.	@Proceedings{Ilg93,
Author= "K. Ilgun",
Title= "USTAT : A Real-Time Intrusion Detection System for {UNIX}",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "16-29",
Year = "1993"}
249.	@Proceedings{JA92,
Author= " S. Jajodia and V. Atluri",
Title= "Alternative Correctness Criteria for Concurrent Execution of Transactions",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "216-225",
Year = "1992"}
250.	@Proceedings{JDS91,
Author= " Kathleen A. Jackson and David H. Dubois and Cathy A. Stalling",
Title= "An Expert System Application for Network Intrusion Detection",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 14th National Computer Security Conference",
Year = "1991"}
251.	@Proceedings{JLS76,
Author= " A.K. Jones and R.J. Lipton and L. Snyder",
Title= "A Linear Time Algorithm for Deciding Security",
BookTitle= "17th Annual Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science",
Year = "1976"}
252.	@Proceedings{Jon90,
Author= " R.W. Jones",
Title= "A General Mechanism for Access Control : Its Relationship to Secure System Concepts",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "45-50",
Year = "1990"}
253.	@Proceedings{JS92,
Author= " Andrew J.I. Jones and Marek Sergot",
Title= "Formal Specification of Security Requirements using the Theory of Normative Positions",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "103-124",
Year = "1992"}
254.	@InProceedings{Kah94,
Author= "Jos\'{e} Kahan",
Title= "Un nouveau mod\'{e}le d'autorisation pour les syst\`{e}mes de consultation d'information multim\'{e}dia r\'{e}partie",
Year = 1995,
BookTitle= "Colloque AFCET : o\`{u}, quand, comment prot\'{e}ger vos logiciels et documents \'{e}lectroniques",
Address= "Paris, France",
Year = 1994,
Month = "d\'{e}cembre"}
255.	@InProceedings{Kah95,
Author= "Jos\'{e} Kahan",
Title= "A Capability-Based Authorization Model for the WWW",
Year = 1995,
BookTitle= "WWW'95 Conference",
Address= "Darmstadt, Germany",
Month = avril}
256.	@Proceedings{Kai90,
Author= " J. Kaiser",
Title= "An Object-Oriented Architecture to Support System Reliability and Security",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "51-60",
Year = "1990"}
257.	@Proceedings{Kal.92,
Author= " Y. Klein and E.Roche and F.Taal and M. Van Dulm and U. Van Essen and P. Wolf and J. Yates",
Title= "The IT Security Evaluation Manuel ({ITSEM})",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 15th NCSC Conference",
Year = "1992"}
258.	@Proceedings{Kan80,
Author= " A. Kandel",
Title= "Fuzzy statistics and systems security",
BookTitle= "Conference : Security Through Science and Engineering",
Month = "September",
Year = "1980"}
259.	@Proceedings{Kar78,
Author= " P.A. Karger",
Title= "The Lattice Model in a Public Computing network",
BookTitle= "ACM Annual Conference",
Volume = "1",
Year = "1978"}
260.	@Proceedings{KC90,
Author= " R. Kaplan and R.J.M. Clyde",
Title= "Viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. VI The war continues",
BookTitle= "Digital Equipment Computer Users Society. Fall",
Pages = "119-137",
Year = "1990",
Keywords= "hacking"}
261.	@Proceedings{Kel90,
Author= " U. Kelter",
Title= "Group-Oriented Discretionary Access Controls for Distributed Structurally Object-Oriented Database Systems",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "23-34",
Year = "1990"}
262.	@Proceedings{Kel92,
Author= " Udo Kelter",
Title= "Type-Level Access Controls for Distributed Structurally Object-Oriented Database Systems",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "21-40",
Year = "1992"}
263.	@Proceedings{Kem82b,
Author= " R.A. Kemmerer",
Title= "A Practical Approach to Identifying Storage and Timing Channels",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1982"}
264.	@Proceedings{Kes92,
Author= " Volker Kessler",
Title= "On the Chinese Wall Model",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "41-56",
Year = "1992"}
265.	@Proceedings{Kim91,
Author= " J. Kimmins",
Title= "Developing a Network Security Architecture : Concepts and Issues",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the SECURICOM'91 Conference",
Month = "march",
Year = "1991"}
266.	@Proceedings{KK92,
Author= " Iwen E. Kang and Thomas F. Keefe",
Title= "On Transaction Processing for Multilevel Secure Replicated Databases",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "329-348",
Year = "1992"}
267.	@Proceedings{Klu89,
Author= " H.M. Kluepfel",
Title= "Foiling the wily hacker: more than analysis and containment",
BookTitle= "International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology",
Pages = "15-21",
Year = "1989",
Keywords= "hacking"}
268.	@Proceedings{Koh91,
Author= " J.T. Kohl",
Title= "The evolution of the {K}erberos Authentication Service",
BookTitle= "Acte de EurOpen 91",
Pages = "295-313",
Year = "1991"}
269.	@Proceedings{KRL97,
Author= "Calvin Ko and Manfred Ruschitzka and Karl Levitt",
Title= "Execution Monitoring of Security-Critical Programs in a Distributed System: A Specification-based Approach",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1997",
url= "",
Keywords= "intrusions detection"}
270.	@Proceedings{Kun86,
Author= " J.D. Kuhn",
Title= "Research Toward Intrusion Detection Through Automated Abstraction of Audit Data",
BookTitle= "Computer Security Conference",
Pages = "204-208",
Year = "1986"}
271.	@Proceedings{KW93,
Author= " J.O. Kephart and S.R. White",
Title= "Measuring and Modeling Computer Virus Prevalence",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "2-15",
Year = "1993"}
272.	@Proceedings{Lal.90b,
Author= " T.F. Lunt and A. Tamaru and F. Gilham and R. Jagannathan and P.G. Neumann and C. Jalali",
Title= "IDES: A Progress Report",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the Computer Security Application Conference",
Pages = "273-285",
Year = "1990"}
273.	@Proceedings{Lap90,
Author= " L. La Padula",
Title= "Formal Modeling in a Generalized Framework for Access Control",
BookTitle= "Computer Security Foundation Workshop III",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
274.	@Proceedings{LB92,
Author= " Kwok-Yan Lam and Thomas Beth",
Title= "Timely Authentication in Distributed Systems",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "293-306",
Year = "1992"}
275.	@Proceedings{LG92,
Author= " Kwok-Yan Lam and Dieter Gollmann",
Title= "Freshness Assurance of Authentication Protocols",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "261-272",
Year = "1992"}
276.	@Proceedings{LH90,
Author= " T.F. Lunt and D. Hsieh",
Title= "The SeaView Secure Database System : A Progress Report",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "3-14",
Year = "1990"}
277.	@Proceedings{LJ88,
Author= " T.F. Lunt and R. Jagannathan",
Title= "A Prototype Real-Time Intrusion-Detection Expert System",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "59-66",
Year = "1988"}
278.	@Proceedings{LJ97,
Author= "Ulf Lindqvist and Erland Jonsson",
Title= "How to Systematically Classify Computer Security Intrusions",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1997",
url= "",
Keywords= "intrusions detection"}
279.	@Proceedings{LK89,
Author= " Z.L. Lichtman and J.F. Kimmins",
Title= "An Audit Trail Reduction Paradigm Based on Trusted Processes",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 13th National Computer Security Conference",
Year = "1989"}
280.	@Proceedings{LTBS90,
Author= " E.S. Lee and B. Thomson and P.I.P. Boulton and M. Stumm",
Title= "An Architecture for a Trusted Network",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "105-116",
Year = "1990"}
281.	@Proceedings{Lun90,
Author= "Teresa Lunt",
Title= "IDES: An intelligent System for Detecting Intruders",
BookTitle= "Computer Security, Threats and Countermeasures",
Month = "November",
Year = "1990"}
282.	@Proceedings{Mal.90,
Author= " N. McAuliffe and D. Wolcott and L. Schaefer and N. Kelem and B. Hubbard and T. Haluey",
Title= "Is your Computer Being Misused? A Survey of Current Intrusion Detection System Technology",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Security Applications Conference",
Pages = "260-272",
Year = "1990"}
283.	@Proceedings{Mat85,
Author= " B.G. Matley",
Title= "Computer Privacy in America: Conflicting Practices and Policy Choises",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "219-223",
Year = "1985"}
284.	@Proceedings{Mcl88,
Author= " J. McLean",
Title= "The Algebra of Security",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Month = "April",
Year = "1988"}
285.	@Proceedings{Me93b,
Author= "Ludovic M\'e",
Title= "Security Audit Trail Analysis Using Genetic Algorithms",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security",
Pages = "329-340",
Month = "October",
Year = "1993"}
286.	@Proceedings{Me96b,
Author= "Ludovic M\'{e}",
Title= "M\'{e}thodes et outils de la d\'{e}tection d'intrusions",
BookTitle= "Actes du congr\`{e}s Intelligence Economique et Comp\'{e}titive (IEC)",
Year = "1996"}
287.	@Proceedings{Me96c,
Author= "Ludovic M\'{e}",
Title= "M\'{e}thodes et outils de la d\'{e}tection d'intrusions",
BookTitle= "Actes du congr\`{e}s Intelligence \'{e}conomique et comp\'{e}titive",
Year = "1996",
Pages = "112-126",
Month = "novembre",
Keywords= ""}
288.	@Proceedings{Mea92,
Author= " C. Meadows",
Title= "Using Traces of Procedure Calls to Reason About Composability",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "177-191",
Year = "1992"}
289.	@Proceedings{Mic91,
Author= " Z. Michalewicz",
Title= "A step towards optimal topology of 'Communication networks'",
BookTitle= "SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering",
Volume = "1470",
Pages = "112-22",
Year = "1991"}
290.	@Proceedings{Mil92,
Author= " J.K. Millen",
Title= "A Resource Allocation Model for Denial of Service",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "137-147",
Year = "1992"}
291.	@Proceedings{ML92,
Author= " J.K. Millen and T.F. Lunt",
Title= "Security for Object-Oriented Database Systems",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "260-272",
Year = "1992"}
292.	@Proceedings{ML97,
Author= "Abdelaziz Mounji and Baudouin Le Charlier",
Title= "Continuous Assesment of a Unix Configuration: Integrating Intrusion Detection and Configuration Analysis",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE ISOC'97 Symposium on Network and Distributed Systems Security",
Year = "1997",
url= "",
Keywords= "intrusion detection, ASAX"}
293.	@Proceedings{MM92,
Author= " U.S. Moskowitz and A.R. Miller",
Title= "The Influence of Delay Upon an Idealized Channel's Bandwidth",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "92-71",
Year = "1992"}
294.	@Proceedings{Mos87,
Author= " L.E. Moser",
Title= "Graph homomorphisms and the design of secure computer systems",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "88-96",
Year = "1997"}
295.	@Proceedings{MS91,
Author= "J. B. Michael and E. H. Sibley et al.",
Title= "A Modeling Paradigm for Representing Intentions in Information Systemes Policy.",
BookTitle= "First Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems",
Year = "1991"}
296.	@Proceedings{MT93,
Author= " R. Molva and G. Tsudik",
Title= "Authentication Method with Impersonal Token Cards",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "56-65",
Year = "1993"}
297.	@Proceedings{MTVZ92,
Author= " Refik Molva and Gene Tsudik and Els Van Herreweghen and Stefano Zatti",
Title= "KryptoKnight Authentication and Key Distribution System",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "155-174",
Year = "1992"}
298.	@Proceedings{Nes78,
Author= " P.G. Nessett",
Title= "Computer Security Evaluation",
BookTitle= "Proc. NCC",
Volume = "47",
Editor= "AFIPS Press",
Year = "1978"}
299.	@Proceedings{Oha90,
Author= " C. O'halloran",
Title= "A Calculus of Information Flow",
BookTitle= "Acte de ESORICS 90, Toulouse",
Pages = "147-159",
Month = "October",
Year = "1990"}
300.	@Proceedings{Pat90,
Author= " J. Patarin",
Title= "Pseudorandom Permutations based on the {D.E.S.} Scheme",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "185-190",
Year = "1990"}
301.	@Proceedings{PDJ93,
Author= " F. Piessens and B. De Decker and P. Janson",
Title= "Interconnecting Domains with Heterogeneous Key Distribution",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "66-81",
Year = "1993"}
302.	@Proceedings{Per92a,
Author= " Günther Pernul",
Title= "Security Constraint Processing in Multilevel Secure AMAC Schemata",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security ESORICS)",
Pages = "349-372",
Year = "1992"}
303.	@Proceedings{Pro94,
Author= "Paul Proctor",
Title= "Audit Reduction and Misuse Detection in Heterogeneous Environments: Framework and Application",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 10th Annual Computer Security Applications",
Year = "1994",
Month = "December"}
304.	@Proceedings{QSKLG93,
Author= " X. Qian and M. Sticket and P.D. Karp and T.F. Lunt and T.D. Garvey",
Title= "Relational Database Systems",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "196-205",
Year = "1993"}
305.	@Proceedings{Ran90,
Author= " G. Randell",
Title= "A Case Study in the Formal Rafinement of a Distributed Secure System",
BookTitle= "Acte de ESORICS 90, Toulouse",
Pages = "201-208",
Month = "October",
Year = "1990"}
306.	@Proceedings{RBG92,
Author= " M. Reiter and K. Birman and L. Gong",
Title= "Integrating Security in a Group Oriented Distributed System",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "18-32",
Year = "1992"}
307.	@Proceedings{RG93,
Author= " M. Reiter and L. Gong",
Title= "Preventing Denial and Forgery of Causal Relationships in Distributed Systems",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "30-40",
Year = "1993"}
308.	@Proceedings{Rol91,
Author= " Pierre Rolin",
Title= "Architecture d'un r\'{e}seau de confiance",
BookTitle= "CFIP 91",
Year = "1991"}
309.	@Proceedings{RT92,
Author= " P. Rolin and L. Toutain",
Title= "Analyseur de s\'{e}curit\'{e} du r\'{e}seau",
BookTitle= "Actes du congr\`{e}s De nouvelles architecture pour les communications",
Year = "1992"}
310.	@Proceedings{Rus85,
Author= " J. Rushby",
Title= "Networks are Systems",
BookTitle= "DOD Computer Security Workshop",
Year = "1985"}
311.	@Proceedings{San92,
Author= "R.S. Sandhu",
Title= "The Typed Access Matrix Model",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "122-136",
Year = "1992"}
312.	@Proceedings{Sch85,
Author= " D.D. Schnackenberg",
Title= "Development of a Multilevel Secure Local Area Network",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "97-104",
Year = "1985"}
313.	@Proceedings{SG82,
Author= " D.P. Sidhu and M. Gasser",
Title= "A Multilevel Secure Local Area Network",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and privacy",
Year = "1982"}
314.	@Proceedings{SG90,
Author= " S.W. Shieh and V.D. Gligor",
Title= "Auditing the Use of Covert Storage Channels in Secure Systems",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA",
Month = "May",
Year = "1990"}
315.	@Proceedings{SG92,
Author= " S.G. Stubblebine and V.D. Gligor",
Title= "On Message Integrity in Cryptographic Protocols",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "85-104",
Year = "1992"}
316.	@Proceedings{SG93,
Author= " S.G. Stubblebine and V.D. Gligor",
Title= "Protocol Design for Integrity Protection",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "41-55",
Year = "1993"}
317.	@Proceedings{SJ92,
Author= " Ravi S. Sandhu and Sushil Jajodia",
Title= "Polyinstantiation for Cover Stories",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "307-328",
Year = "1992"}
318.	@Proceedings{SK90,
Author= " Z. Savic and M. Komocar",
Title= "Security Kernel Design and Implementation in the {IBM} {PC} Environment",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "61-70",
Year = "1990"}
319.	@Proceedings{SM93,
Author= " P. Syverson and C. Meadows",
Title= "A Logical Language for Specifying Cryptographic Protocol Requirements",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "165-177",
Year = "1993"}
320.	@Proceedings{Sma88,
Author= " S.E. Smaha",
Title= "Haystack: An Intrusion Detection System",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 4th Aerospace Computer Security Application Conference",
Pages = "37-44",
Month = "december",
Year = "1988"}
321.	@Proceedings{Sne92,
Author= " E. Snekkenes",
Title= "Roles in Cryptographic Protocols",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "105-121",
Year = "1992"}
322.	@Proceedings{SRK96,
Author= "Michael Sobirey and Birk Richter and Hartmut Konig",
Title= "The Intrusion Detection System AID",
BookTitle= "Proceeding of the Joint Working Conference IFIP TC-6 and TC-11: Communication and Multimedia Security",
Year = "1996"}
323.	@Proceedings{SS92,
Author= " R.S. Sandhu and G.S. Suri",
Title= "Non-Monotonic Transformation of Access Rights",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "148-163",
Year = "1992"}
324.	@Proceedings{SSH93,
Author= "David R. Safford and Douglas Lee Schales and David K. Hess",
Title= "The TAMU Security Package: an Ongoing response to the Internet Intruders in an Academic Environment",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the Fourth USENIX Security Symposium",
Year = "1993" }
325.	@Proceedings{SSHW88,
Author= "M.M. Sebring and E. Shellhouse and M.E. Hanna and R.A. Whitehurst",
Title= "Expert System in Intrusion Detection: A Case Study",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 11th National Computer Security Conference",
Pages = "74-81",
Year = "1988"}
326.	@Proceedings{STH85,
Author= " R. Schell and T.F. Tao and M. Heckman",
Title= "Disingning the GEMSOS Security Kernel for Security and Performance",
BookTitle= "8th NCSC",
Pages = "108-119",
Year = "1985"}
327.	@Proceedings{Sut86,
Author= "D. Sutherland",
Title= "A Model of Information",
BookTitle= "9th National Computer Security Conference.",
Year = "1986"}
328.	@Proceedings{TA91,
Author= " J.J. Tardo and K. Alagappan",
Title= "SPX - Global Authentication Using Public-Key Certificates",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Year = "1991"}
329.	@Proceedings{TCL90,
Author= " H.S. Teng and K. Chen and S.C.-Y. Lu",
Title= "Adaptive Real-Time Anomaly Detection using Inductively Generated Sequential Patterns",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Month = "May",
Year = "1990"}
330.	@Proceedings{TH90,
Author= " A. Tarah and C. Huitema",
Title= "CHIMAERA : A Network Security Model",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "127-134",
Year = "1990"}
331.	@Proceedings{TH92,
Author= " Anas Tarah and Christian Huitema",
Title= "Associating Metrics to Certification Paths",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "175-192",
Year = "1992"}
332.	@Proceedings{TLBL90,
Author= " B. Thomson and E.S. Lee and P.I.P. Boulton and D.M. Lewis",
Title= "Using Deducibility in Secure Network Modelling",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "117-124",
Year = "1990"}
333.	@Proceedings{Tou92,
Author= " Marie-Jeanne Toussaint",
Title= "Separating the Specification and Implementation Phases in Cryptology",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "77-102",
Year = "1992"}
334.	@Proceedings{TR92,
Author= " K. Tibourtine and P. Rolin",
Title= "Distribution de cl\'{e}s pour s\'{e}curiser les Communications des {RPC}",
BookTitle= "Actes de la convention {UNIX} 92",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1992"}
335.	@Proceedings{Tro93,
Author= " J.T. Trostle",
Title= "Modelling a Fuzzy Time System",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "82-89",
Year = "1993"}
336.	@Proceedings{TS90,
Author= " Gene Tsudik and R. Summers",
Title= "AudES: An Expert System for Security Auditing",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Innovative Application in Artificial Intelligence",
Month = "May",
Year = "1990"}
337.	@Proceedings{Tsu92,
Author= " Gene Tsudik",
Title= "Policy Enforcement in Stub Autonomous Domains",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "229-260",
Year = "1992"}
338.	@Proceedings{TY90,
Author= " LC.N. Tseung and K.C. Yu",
Title= "Guaranteed, Reliable, Secure Broadcast Networks",
BookTitle= "proceedings of the IEEE",
Pages = "576-583",
Year = "1990"}
339.	@Proceedings{Var90c,
Author= " Vijay Varadharajan",
Title= "A Petri Net Framework for Modelling Information Flow Security Policies",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "125-126",
Year = "1990"}
340.	@Proceedings{Vaz93,
Author= "J. Vazquez-Gomez",
Title= "Modelling Multidomain Security",
BookTitle= "The New Security Paradigms Workshop II",
Year ="1993"}
341.	@Proceedings{VL89,
Author= " H.S. Vaccaro and G.E. Liepins",
Title= "Detection of Anomalous Computer Session Activity",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Month = "May",
Year = "1989"}
342.	@Proceedings{Wal85,
Author= " S.T. Walker",
Title= "Network Security Overview",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "62-76",
Year = "1985"}
343.	@Proceedings{WB90,
Author= " W.R.E. Weiss and A. Bauer",
Title= "Analysis of Audit and protocol Data using Methods from Artificial Intelligence",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 13th National Computer Security Conference",
Month = "October",
Year = "1990"}
344.	@Proceedings{WD87,
Author= " J.C. Williams and S G.W. Dinolt",
Title= "A graph-theoretic formulation of multilevel secure distributed systems: an overview",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "97-103",
Year = "1987"}
345.	@Proceedings{Wei69,
Author= " C. Weissman",
Title= "Security controls in the {ADEPT} 50 time system",
BookTitle= "AFIPS fall joint computer conference",
Year = "1969"}
346.	@Proceedings{Wei92,
Author= "C. Weissman",
Title= "BLACKER : security for the {DDN}, Examples of {A1} Security Engineering Trades",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "286-292",
Year = "1992"}
347.	@Proceedings{WG92,
Author= " Michael Wang and Andrzej Goscinski",
Title= "The Development and Testing of the Identity-Based Conference Key Distribution System for the {RHODOS} Distributed System",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "209-228",
Year = "1992"}
348.	@Proceedings{Wie92,
Author= "Michael J. Wiener",
Title= "Efficient {DES} Key Search",
BookTitle= "Crypto'92",
Year = "1992" }
349.	@Proceedings{Win90,
Author= " J.R. Winkler",
Title= "A {UNIX} Prototype for Intrusion Detection and Anomaly Detection in Secure Networks",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 13th National Computer Security Conference",
Year = "1990"}
350.	@Proceedings{Win92,
Author= " J.R. Winkler",
Title= "Intrusion and Anomaly Detection; {ISOA} Update",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the 15th National Computer Security Conference",
Year = "1992"}
351.	@Proceedings{WL92b,
Author= " T.Y.C. Woo and S.S Lam",
Title= "Authorization in Distributed Systems : A formal Approach",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "33-51",
Year = "1992"}
352.	@Proceedings{WL93,
Author= " T.Y.C. Woo and S.S. Lam",
Title= "A Semantic Model for Authentification Protocols",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "178-195",
Year = "1993"}
353.	@Proceedings{WQ90,
Author= " D. de Waleffe and J.J. Quisquater",
Title= "Better login protocol for computer networks",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "163-172",
Year = "1990"}
354.	@Proceedings{Yaz90,
Author= " K. Yazdanian",
Title= "Relational Database Granularity",
BookTitle= "European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)",
Pages = "15-22",
Year = "1990"}
355.	@Proceedings{YKB93,
Author= " R. Yaholom and B. Klein and T. Beth",
Title= "Trust Relationships in Secure Systems-A Distributed Authentication Perspective",
BookTitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Pages = "150-164",
Year = "1993"}
356.	@Manual{green89,
Title= "IT Security Evaluation Criteria, Bundesanzeiger",
Organization= "German Information Security Agency (GISA)",
Year = "1989"}
357.	@Manual{Zim94,
Title= "(PGP) Pretty Good Privacy Encryption System: Users' Guide",
Author= "Philip Zimmermann",
Year = "1994",
Month = "August" }
358.	@Thesis{Por92,
Author= "Phillip Andrew Porras",
Title= "A State Transition Analysis Tool For Intrusion Detection",
School= "University of California, Santa Barbara",
Year = "1992"}
359.	@Thesis{Asl95,
Author= "Taimur Aslam",
Title= "A taxonomy of Security Faults in the Unix Operating System",
School= "Purdue University",
Year = "1995",
Month = "August" }
360.	@Miscellaneous{Abr95,
Author= "Jorg Abraham",
Title= "Etude de l'utilisation de r\'{e}seaux de neurones de type carte de Kohonen pour la d\'{e}tection d'intrusions dans unsyst\`{e}me informatique",
Howpublished= "Rappport de stage",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1995"}
361.	@Miscellaneous{AD97,
Author= "Theodore K. Apostolopoulos and Victoria C. Daskalou",
Title= "The Role of the Time Parameter in a Network Security Management Model",
Howpublished= "submitted to the IEEE Symposium on Computer Communication",
Year = "1997",
Note = "reviewed by L.M\'{e}"}
362.	@Miscellaneous{AMG97,
Author= "M. Abdalla and M. Mahmoud and A. Goneid",
Title= "Secured Communication System with Neural Network Encoder",
Howpublished= "submitted to the IEEE Symposium on Computer Communication",
Year = "1997",
Note = "reviewed by L.M\'{e}"}
363.	@Miscellaneous{Ber97,
Author= "Hughes Bertrand",
Title= "Intrusion Detection System",
Howpublished= "Mémoire M\'{e}ari",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1997",
Keywords= ""}
364.	@Miscellaneous{Bob97,
Author= "Gildas Bobon",
Title= "Le march\'{e} de la s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Howpublished= "Mémoire M\'{e}ari",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1997",
Keywords= ""}
365.	@Miscellaneous{BR96,
Author= "Jean-Jacques Bascou and Jer\^{o}me Romeu",
Title= "D\'{e}tection dynamique d'intrusions : une approche par r\'{e}seau de neurones",
Howpublished= "soumis pour publication \`{a} CFIP'96" }
366.	@Miscellaneous{Bry88,
Author= "Bill Bryant",
Title= "Designing an Authentication System: a Dialogue in Four Scenes",
Howpublished= "draft, Athena Project",
Month = "February",
Year = "1988",
Keywords= "authentication kerberos"}
367.	@Miscellaneous{BWF96,
Author= "M. Bishop and C. Wee and J. Frank",
Title= "Goal Oriented Auditing and Logging",
Howpublished= "Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Computing Systems",
Year = "1996",
url= "",
Keywords= ""}
368.	@Miscellaneous{CC96,
Title= "Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation",
Howpublished= "CD-ROM",
Month = "January",
Year = "1996"}
369.	@Miscellaneous{CCI88,
Author= " CCITT",
Title= "X509, The directory - Authentication framework",
Month = "November",
Year = "1987",
Keywords= "authentication X509"}
370.	@Miscellaneous{Cec91,
Author= " { Commission of the European Communities } ",
Title= "Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria ({ITSEC}), version 1.2",
Month = "june",
Year = "1991"}
371.	@Miscellaneous{Cen90,
Author= "{Security Group} {CEN/CENELEC}",
Title= "Taxonomie for security standardisation",
Howpublished= "doc. de travail",
Month = "September",
Year = "1990"}
372.	@Miscellaneous{CetDS1-2,
Title= "Computer and Data Security, Vol. 1, No 2",
Howpublished= "Research Information Ltd",
Keywords= ""}
373.	@Miscellaneous{CetS9-1,
Title= "Computers and Security",
Howpublished= "Elsevier Advanced Technology",
Month = "february",
Year = "1990",
Keywords= ""}
374.	@Miscellaneous{CGZ96,
Author= "Mireille Campana and Marc Girault and Gilles Z\'{e}mor",
Title= "Techniques de s\'{e}curit\'{e} appliqu\'{e}es au courrier\'{e}lectronique et \`{a} Internet",
Howpublished= "France T\'{e}l\'{e}com, Conseil scientifique, M\'{e}mento technique No~7",
Month = "juin",
Year = "1996"}
375.	@Miscellaneous{charte,
Title= "Charte d'utilisation des moyens informatiques", }
376.	@Miscellaneous{Che91,
Author= "Bill Cheswick",
Title= "An Evening with Berferd In Which a Cracker is Lured, Endured, and Studied",
Howpublished= "ATT Bell Laboratories",
Year = "1991" }
377.	@Miscellaneous{Cho90,
Author= "Pascal Chour",
Title= "Cartes \`{a} micro-circuit",
Howpublished= "Polycopi\'{e} Sup\'{e}lec No 3813",
Year = "1990",
Keywords= ""}
378.	@Miscellaneous{CJ90,
Author= " K. Cutler and F. Jones",
Title= "{CISR} Commercial International Security Requirements",
Howpublished= "CISR DRAFT",
Month = "August",
Year = "1990"}
379.	@Miscellaneous{Cup90a,
Author= " F. Cuppens",
Title= "Une logique \'{e}pist\'{e}mique et d\'{e}ontique pour raisonner sur la s\'{e}curit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes informatiques",
Howpublished= "ONERA-CERT doc. interne",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1990"}
380.	@Miscellaneous{Dac89,
Author= "Marc Dacier",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} logique en informatique~: application aux r\'{e}seaux locaux",
Howpublished= "M\'{e}moire pr\'{e}sent\'{e} en vue de l'obtention du grade d'ing\'{e}nieur civil en informatique",
Year = "1989",
Keywords= ""}
381.	@Miscellaneous{Dat91a,
Author= "Datapro Research Group",
Title= "Unix System Administration and Security",
Howpublished= "Datapro report",
Month = "January",
Year = "1991",
Keywords= ""}
382.	@Miscellaneous{Dat91b,
Author= "Datapro Research Group",
Title= "Computer Crime Methods and Detection",
Howpublished= "Datapro report",
Month = "February",
Year = "1991",
Keywords= "hacking"}
383.	@Miscellaneous{DF96,
Author= "Dipankar Dasgupta and Stephanie Forrest",
Title= "Novelty Detection in Time Series Data Using Ideas from Immunology",
Howpublished= "Web doc",
Year = "1996",
url= "",
Keywords= ""}
384.	@Miscellaneous{DOD85,
Author= "{U.S. Defense Department}",
Title= "Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria",
Institution= "DoD",
Number = "5200.28-STD",
Year = "1985"}
385.	@Miscellaneous{ECMA88,
Author= "ECMA",
Title= "Security In Open Systems: A Security Framework",
Institution= "ECMA",
Number = "TR/46",
Year = "1988"}
386.	@Miscellaneous{EHA97,
Author= "Mahmoud T. El-Hadidi and Nadia H. Hegazi and Heba K. Aslan",
Title= "Performance Analysis of the Kerberos Protocol in a Distributed Environment",
Howpublished= "submitted to the IEEE Symposium on Computer Communication",
Year = "1997",
Note = "reviewed by L.M\'{e}"}
387.	@Miscellaneous{Far96,
Author= "Dan Farmer",
Title= "Shall We Dust Moscow",
Howpublished= "Web doc",
Month = "December",
Year = "1996",
url= "",
Keywords= ""}
388.	@Miscellaneous{FB90,
Author= " Dan Farmer and Robert Baldwin",
Title= "Computer Oracle and Password System ({COPS})",
How published = "Newsgroup comp.sources.unix",
Year = "1990"}
389.	@Miscellaneous{FHS96,
Author= "Stephanie Forrest",
Title= "Computer Immunology",
Howpublished= "Submitted to Communications of the ACM",
Month = "December",
Year = "1996",
url= "",
Keywords= ""}
390.	@Miscellaneous{FL92,
Author= "Michael Fiey and Xavier Lacassin",
Title= "Les algorithmes cryptographiques",
Howpublished= "Annexe B, rapport de stage de fin d'\'{e}tude Sup\'{e}lec, Bull Ing\'{e}nierie",
Month = "juin",
Year = "1992" }
391.	@Miscellaneous{FSA97,
Author= "Stephanie Forrest and Anil Somayaji and David H. Ackley",
Title= "Building Diverse Computer Systems",
Howpublished= "Submitted to the Sixth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems",
Year = "1997",
url= ""}
392.	@Miscellaneous{Gai95,
Author= "Nicolas Gaillotte",
Title= "Audit de s\'{e}curit\'{e} sur un SAS internet",
Howpublished= "Rapport de stage de fin d'\'{e}tudes ENSTB \`{a} IBM",
Month = "juin",
Year = "1995" }
393.	@Miscellaneous{GD97,
Author= "Adriana Gorunescu and Cosmin Dimitriu",
Title= "Analyse d'audit",
Howpublished= "Mémoire Miniprojet ENSTB",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1997",
Keywords= "data mining"}
394.	@Miscellaneous{Gui95,
Author= "Louis Guillou",
Title= "Comprehensive Approach of Zero-Knowledge Techniques",
Howpublished= "ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 N 1185",
Month = "October",
Year = "1995" }
395.	@Miscellaneous{Ham95,
Author= "Riadh Hamdi",
Title= "S\'{e}curit\'{e} et Internet",
Howpublished= "Rapport de stage de fin d'\'{e}tudes Sup\'{e}lec \`{a} Transpac",
Month = "juin",
Year = "1995" }
396.	@Miscellaneous{Hay96,
Author= "Haystack Labs",
Title= "Stalker Product Overview",
Howpublished= "Document html~: \verb||",
Year = "1996"}
397.	@Miscellaneous{HS88,
Author= " J. Henshall and S. Shaw",
Title= "O{SI} Explained End to End Computer Communication Standards",
Editor= "Chichester, U.K.: Ellis Horwood Limited",
Year = "1988"}
398.	@Miscellaneous{HSPxx,
Author= "David K. Hess and David R. Safford and Udo W. Pooch",
Title= "A Unix Network Protocol Security Study: Network Information Service",
Howpublished= "?",
Month = "?",
Year = "?"}
399.	@Miscellaneous{Hub96,
Author= "Markus Hubner",
Title= "IP Spoofing Demystified",
Howpublished= "Web doc",
Month = "June",
Year = "1996",
url= "",
Keywords= ""}
400.	@Miscellaneous{IEE89,
Author= "{IEEE LAN Secutity Working Group}",
Title= "Standard for Interoperable Local Area Network ({LAN}) Security ({SILS}), IEEE 802.10",
Month = "December",
Year = "1989"}
401.	@Miscellaneous{IETF,
Author= "IETF",
Title= "Information Technology Security",
Howpublished= "RFC1244"}
402.	@Miscellaneous{JCS1-1,
Author= "Journal of Computer Security, Vol. 1, No 1",
Howpublished= "IOS Press",
Year = "1992",
Keywords= ""}
403.	@Miscellaneous{JM91,
Author= " P. Janson and R. Molva",
Title= "Security in Open Networks and Distributed Systems",
Howpublished= "Elsevier Science Publishers",
Year = "1991"}
404.	@Miscellaneous{Jon95,
Author= "Laurent Joncheray",
Title= "A Simple Active Attack Against TCP",
Howpublished= "",
Month = "April",
Year = "1995"}
405.	@Miscellaneous{Jou96,
Author= "Manuella Jourdan",
Howpublished= "M\'{e}moire M\'{e}ari 1995/96",
Year = "1996" }
406.	@Miscellaneous{Kie89,
Author= " M. Kielsky",
Title= "Security and Access Control Features of the {VAX/VMS} Operating System",
Howpublished= "??",
Year = "1989"}
407.	@Miscellaneous{KW91,
Author= " J.O. Kephart and S.R. White",
Title= "Directed-Graph Epidemiological Models of Computer Viruses",
Editor= "IEEE",
Year = "1991"}
408.	@Miscellaneous{Lig95,
Author= "Eric Ligaon",
Title= "Introduction \`{a} la s\'{e}curit\'{e} sous Solaris",
Howpublished= "S\'{e}minaire s\'{e}curit\'{e} SUN",
Year = "1995" }
409.	@Miscellaneous{Lin90,
Author= " T.Y. Lin",
Title= "Probalistic Measure on Aggregations",
Editor= "IEEE",
Year = "1990"}
410.	@Miscellaneous{LR96,
Author= "S\'{e}bastien Letard and Herv\'{e} racine",
Title= "Mise en place d'un firewall IP sur un site universitaire",
Howpublished= "rapport de projet \'{e}tudiant de l'ENSTB",
Month = "f\'{e}vrier",
Year = "1996" }
411.	@Miscellaneous{McM91,
Author= "Rob McMillan",
Title= "Site Security Policy Development",
Howpublished= "Security Emergency Response Team, Australia",
Year = "1991"}
412.	@Miscellaneous{Me96a,
Author= "Ludovic M\'{e}",
Title= "Genetic Algorithms, a Biologically Inspired Approach for Security Audit Trails Analysis",
Howpublished= "Short paper, 1996 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Month = "May",
Year = "1996" }
413.	@Miscellaneous{Mei93,
Author= "Eric Meillan",
Title= "Droit de la s\'{e}curit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes d'information",
Howpublished= "cours fait \`{a} l'ENSTB",
Year = "1993" }
414.	@Miscellaneous{Mie92,
Author= "St\'{e}phane Mi\`{e}ge",
Title= "Codage et s\'{e}curit\'{e} des donn\'{e}es",
Howpublished= "Polycopi\'{e} Sup\'{e}lec No 3943",
Year = "1992",
Keywords= ""}
415.	@Miscellaneous{MJM93,
Author= "J. D. Moffett and D. Jonscher and J. A. McDermid",
Title= "The Policy Obstacle Course",
Howpublished= "SCHEMA/York/93/1 version 1",
Month = "July",
Year = "1993"}
416.	@Miscellaneous{Muf92,
Author= "Alec D.E. Muffett",
Title= "Crack: A Sensible Password Checker for Unix",
Howpublished= "from",
Month = "march",
Year = "1992" }
417.	@Miscellaneous{NM95,
Author= "David Newmann and Brent Melson",
Title= "Can Firewall Take the Heat ?",
Howpublished= "Data Communication on the web",
Month = "November",
Year = "1995" }
418.	@Miscellaneous{Pel92,
Author= " Christian Pelissier",
Title= "Guide de s\'{e}curit\'{e} pour des syst\`{e}mes {UNIX}",
Howpublished= "Draft, 22 juillet, 1992",
Month = "juillet",
Year = "1992"}
419.	@Miscellaneous{PG??,
Author= " J.C. Pailles and M. Girault",
Title= "A Public Key Based Solution for Secured Data ",
Howpublished= "Communications",
Year = "??"}
420.	@Miscellaneous{Ren94,
Author= "Herv\'{e} renaud",
Title= "Bases math\'{e}matiques du codage et de la s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Howpublished= "Polycopi\'{e} Sup\'{e}lec No",
Year = "1994",
Keywords= ""}
421.	@Miscellaneous{Rey91,
Author= " J.K. Reynolds",
Title= "The helminthiasis of the Internet",
Howpublished= "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Ed.",
Year = "1991"}
422.	@Miscellaneous{RG95,
Author= "Ron Rivest and Rosario Gennaro",
Title= "Course on Network and Computer Security",
Howpublished= "Web doc",
Year = "1995",
url= "",
Keywords= ""}
423.	@Miscellaneous{RIR4-1,
Author= "R\'{e}seaux et informatique r\'{e}partie, Vol. 4, No 1",
Howpublished= "Hermes",
Year = "1994",
Note = "Contient papier LM/JVG/PR sur les modeles",
Keywords= ""}
424.	@Miscellaneous{Rol92,
Author= "Pierre Rolin",
Title= "S\'{e}curit\'{e} des r\'{e}seaux",
Howpublished= "unpublished draft",
Month = "octobre",
Year = "1992",
Keywords= "authentication X509 kerberos chimerae"}
425.	@Miscellaneous{Rou89,
Author= "B. Roulin",
Title= "Sp\'{e}cification de d\'{e}finition d'un UNIX s\'{e}curis\'{e}",
Howpublished= "document technique AQL",
Month = "juin",
Year = "1989" }
426.	@Miscellaneous{RR96,
Author= "Patrick Ragaru and Roberto Ramos",
Title= "S\'{e}curisation d'architecture client-serveur",
Howpublished= "rapport de projet \'{e}tudiant de l'ENSTB",
Month = "f\'{e}vrier",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= "authentication kerberos DCE sesame" }
427.	@Miscellaneous{RS96,
Author= "R.L. Rivest and A. Shamir",
Title= "",
Howpublished= "Web doc",
Month = "May",
Year = "1996",
url= "",
Keywords= "commerce electronique" }
428.	@Miscellaneous{Sai96,
Author= "Science Applications International Corporation",
Title= "CMDS: Product Description",
Howpublished= "Document html~: \verb||",
Year = "1996"}
429.	@Miscellaneous{Sal90,
Author= "R. Salz",
Title= "Computer Oracle Passwd System (COPS)",
Howpublished= "Newsgroup Article",
Year = "1990"}
430.	@Miscellaneous{Sam85,
Author= " M. Samociuk",
Title= "Hacking, or the Art of Armchair Espionage",
Howpublished= "Computer Fraud and Security Bulletin (Amsterdam) Supplement",
Volume = "7",
Number = "9",
Year = "1985",
Keywords= "hacking"}
431.	@Miscellaneous{SCSSI94,
Author= "{Service Central de la S\'{e}curit\'{e} des Syst\`{e}mes Informatiques}",
Title= "La menace et les attaques informatiques",
Howpublished= "document commun DISSI/SCSSI Num\'{e}ro 650",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1994"}
432.	@Miscellaneous{Sec91,
Title= "Actes de SECURICOM'91",
Howpublished= "SECURICOM",
Year = "1991"}
433.	@Miscellaneous{Seexx,
Author= "Donn Seeley",
Title= "A Tour of the Worm",
Howpublished= "?",
Month = "?",
Year = "?"}
434.	@Miscellaneous{Semper96,
Author= "Semper European Project",
Title= "Secure Electonic Marketplace for Europe",
Howpublished= "Document html~: \verb||",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= "commerce electronique"}
435.	@Miscellaneous{SF89,
Author= " J.E. Shimp and J. Filsinger",
Title= "Implementation of a Capabilities Knowledge Base for Data Integrity",
Howpublished= "IEEE CH2674-5/89/0000-0283",
Year = "1989"}
436.	@Miscellaneous{SGDN90,
Author= "{Secr\'{e}tariat G\'{e}n\'{e}ral de la D\'{e}fense Nationale}",
Title= "Protection des informations sensibles ne relevant pas du secret de d\'{e}fense",
Howpublished= "document commun SGDN/DISSI/SCSSI Num\'{e}ro 600",
Month = "janvier",
Year = "1990"}
437.	@Miscellaneous{Shi82,
Author= " R.W. Shirey",
Title= "Security in Local Area Networks",
Howpublished= "IEEE CH1811-9/82/0000/0028\$00.75",
Year = "1982"}
438.	@Miscellaneous{Shi89,
Author= " R.W. Shirey",
Title= "Security in Local Area Networks",
Howpublished= "??",
Year = "1989"}
439.	@Miscellaneous{Sob96a,
Author= "Michael Sobirey",
Title= "Michael Sobirey's Intrusion Detection Page",
Howpublished= "",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= "intrusion detection"}
440.	@Miscellaneous{Sob96b,
Author= "Michael Sobirey",
Title= "The Intrusion Detection System AID",
Howpublished= "",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= "intrusion detection"}
441.	@Miscellaneous{Spa94,
Author= "Eugene Spafford",
Title= "Computer Viruses as Artificial Life",
Howpublished= "to appear in the Journal of Artificial Life",
Year = "1994" }
442.	@Miscellaneous{Ste??,
Author= " Jacques Stern",
Title= "La complexit\'{e} comme fondement de la cryptographie moderne",
Howpublished= "S\'{e}minaire : la cryptographie, fondements, applications, perspectives",
Year = "??"}
443.	@Miscellaneous{Sto81,
Author= " A. Stoughton",
Title= "Acces Flow : A Protection Model Which Integrates Access Control and Information Flow",
Howpublished= "IEEE CH1629-5/81/0000/0009\$00.75",
Year = "1981"}
444.	@Miscellaneous{Sun95,
Author= "Sun Microsystems",
Title= "The HotJava Browser~: a White Paper",
Howpublished= "Document publi\'{e} par Sun",
Year = "1995"}
445.	@Miscellaneous{Sun96,
Author= "Sun ",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} sur Internet",
Howpublished= "Documents remis lors du s\'{e}minaire du 26 mars 1996 \`{a} Rennes",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1996" }
446.	@Miscellaneous{Tal96,
Author= "Fran\c{c}ois Tallet",
Title= "Les firewalls",
Howpublished= "M\'{e}moire MEARI",
Year = "1996" }
447.	@Miscellaneous{Tribunix8-42-43,
Title= "Tribunix, No 42 et 43",
Howpublished= "AFUU",
Year = "1992",
Note = "contient Article LM/VA sur audit AIX",
Keywords= "" }
448.	@Miscellaneous{TSI15-4,
Title= "Technique et science informatique, Vol.15, No 4",
Howpublished= "Hermes",
Year = "1996",
Note = "Contient papier LM/VA sur la d\'{e}tection d'intrusions",
Keywords= ""}
449.	@Miscellaneous{Var90b,
Author= " Vijay Varadharajan",
Title= "Petri Net Based Modelling of Information Flow Security Requirements",
Howpublished= "IEEE Catalog Number 90TH0315-2",
Year = "1990"}
450.	@Miscellaneous{Venxx,
Author= "Wietse Venema",
Title= "TCP Wrapper",
Howpublished= "?",
Month = "?",
Year = "?"}
451.	@Miscellaneous{Vou96,
Author= "Fabien Vouillon",
Title= "Etude des approches neuronales utilis\'{e}es en d\'{e}tection d'intrusions",
Howpublished= "M\'{e}moire M\'{e}ari, Sup\'{e}lec",
Month = "mars",
Year = "1996"}
452.	@phdthesis{Alt92,
Author= "Anas Altarah",
Title= "Chimaera~: un mod\`{e}le pour la s\'{e}curit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes ouverts",
School= "Universit\'{e} de Nice Sophia-Antipolis",
Year = "1992",
Month = "d\'{e}cembre",
Keywords= "authentication chimaera"}
453.	@phdthesis{Bie89,
Author= " P. Bieber",
Title= "Aspects epist\'{e}miques des protocoles cryptographiques",
School= "Universit\'{e} Paul-Sabatier - TOULOUSE N d'ordre 531",
Year = "1989"}
454.	@phdthesis{Deb93,
Author= "Herv\'e Debar",
Title= "Application des r\'eseaux de neurones \`a la d\'etection d'intrusions sur les syst\`emes informatiques",School= "Universit\'e de Paris 6",
Year = "1993"}
455.	@phdthesis{Kar91,
Author= "Arto T. Karila",
Title= "Open Systems Security: An Architectural Framework",
School= "Helsinki University of Technology",
Year = "1991",
Keywords= ""}
456.	@phdthesis{Ko96,
Author= "Calvin C.W. Ko",
Title= "Execution Monitoring of Security-Critical Programs in Distributed Systems: A Specification-based Approach",
School= "University of California at Davis",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= ""}
457.	@phdthesis{Kum95,
Author= "Sandeep Kumar",
Title= "Classification and Detection of Computer Intrusions",
School= "Purdue University",
Year = "1995",
Month = "August" }
458.	@phdthesis{Lau97,
Author= "Maryline Laurent",
Title= "Protection des communications sur les r\'{e}seaux ATM",
School= "Universit\'{e} de Rennes 1",
Year = "1997",
Month = "juillet"}
459.	@phdthesis{Me94,
Author= "Ludovic M\'{e}",
Title= "Audit de s\'{e}curit\'{e} par algorithmes g\'{e}n\'{e}tiques",
School= "Universit\'{e} de Rennes 1 - Num\'{e}ro d'ordre 1069",
Year = "1994"}
460.	@phdthesis{Mic93,
Author= "J. B. Michael",
Title= "A Formal Process for Testing the Consistency of Composed Security Policies",
School= "George Mason University",
Month = "August",
Year = "1993"}
461.	@phdthesis{Mou97,
Author= "Abdelaziz Mounji",
Title= "Rule-Based Distributed Intrusion Detection",
School= "Universit\'{e} de Namur",
Year = "1997",
Month = "Juillet 1997",
url= "",
Keywords= "detection d'intrusions" }
462.	@phdthesis{Sam96,
Author= "Didier Samfat",
Title= "Architecture de s\'{e}curit\'{e} pour r\'{e}seaux mobiles",
School= "Ecole Nationale des T\'{e}l\'{e}communications de Paris",
Year = "1996" }
463.	@phdthesis{Vaz94,
Author= "Jos\'{e} V\'{a}zquez G\'{o}mez",
Title= "Contribution \`{a} la mod\'{e}lisation de la s\'{e}curit\'{e}multidomaine",
School= "Universit\'{e} de Rennes 1",
Year = "1994",
Keywords= ""}
464.	@proceedings{,
Institution= "CEN/CENELEC",
Title= "Security Aspects in OSI Functional Standards",
Editor= "?",
Year = "1989",
Keywords= ""}
465.	@proceedings{DNAC91,
Institution= "DNAC",
Title= "De nouvelles architecture pour les communications~: les r\'{e}seaux informatiques, qualit\'{e} de service, s\'{e}curit\'{e} et performances",
Editor= "Eyrolles",
Year = "1991"}
466.	@proceedings{esorics96,
Institution= "",
Title= "Proceedings of the 1996 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security",
Editor= "",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= ""}
467.	@proceedings{Franconia90,
Institution= "IEEE",
Title= "Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Worshop III",
Editor= "IEEE Computer Society Press",
Year = "1990",
Keywords= ""}
468.	@proceedings{IEC96,
Institution= "SCIP France and GBDA Europe and OSS Inc.",
Title= "Intelligence \'{e}conomique et comp\'{e}titive",
Editor= "sIECa",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= ""}
469.	@proceedings{NCSC16,
Institution= "NIST-NCSC",
Title= "Proceedings of the 16th National Computer Security Conference",
Editor= "?",
Year = "1993",
Keywords= ""}
470.	@proceedings{NSPW92,
Institution= "ACM SIGSAC",
Title= "New Security Paradigms Workshop",
Editor= "IEEE Computer Society Press",
Year = "1992" }
471.	@proceedings{NSPW93,
Institution= "ACM SIGSAC",
Title= "New Security Paradigms Workshop",
Editor= "IEEE Computer Society Press",
Year = "1993" }
472.	@proceedings{oakland94,
Institution= "IEEE",
Title= "Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Editor= "IEEE Computer Society Press",
Year = "1994",
Keywords= ""}
473.	@proceedings{oakland96,
Institution= "IEEE",
Title= "Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Editor= "IEEE Computer Society Press",
Year = "1996",
Keywords= ""}
474.	@proceedings{oakland97,
Institution= "IEEE",
Title= "Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy",
Editor= "IEEE Computer Society Press",
Year = "1997",
Keywords= ""}
475.	@proceedings{safecomp93,
Institution= "EWICS",
Title= "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security",
Editor= "Springer-Verlag",
Year = "1993",
Keywords= ""}
476.	@Technical Report {ABKL90,
Author= " M. Abadi and M. Burrows and C. Kaufman and B. Lampson",
Title= "Authentication and Delegation with Smart-cards",
Institution= "DIGITAL, Systems Research Center",
Number = "67",
Month = "October",
Year = "1990"}
477.	@Technical Report {AFN90,
Author= "AFNOR",
Title= "Pour une approche m\'{e}thodique de la s\'{e}curit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes d'information (LES METHODES MARION ET MELISA)",
Institution= "CNTI/CN27/GE1",
Number = "4",
Month = "novembre",
Year = "1990"}
478.	@Technical Report {Amb91,
Author= "O. Ambrois",
Title= "Aspects of security, integrity and privacy in the telecommunication network",
Institution= "CSELT",
Volume = "XIX",
Number = "2",
Month = "avril",
Year = "1991"}
479.	@Technical Report {And72,
Author= " J.P. Anderson",
Title= "Computer Security Technology Planning Study",
Institution= "ESD-TR-73-51",
Volume = "1",
Month = "October",
Year = "1972"}
480.	@Technical Report {And80,
Author= " J.P. Anderson",
Title= "Computer Security Threat Monitoring and Surveillance",
Institution= "James P. Anderson Company, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania",
Month = "April",
Year = "1980"}
481.	@Technical Report {BAN89,
Author= " M. Burrows and M. Abadi and R. Needham",
Title= "A Logic of Authentication",
Institution= "DIGITAL, Systems Research Center, N 39",
Month = "February",
Year = "1989",
Keywords= "authentication logic"}
482.	@Technical Report {BB93,
Author= "Jean-Pierre Ban\^{a}tre and Ciar\'{a}n Bryce",
Title= "A Security Proof System for Netwoks of Communicating Processes",
Institution= "IRISA",
Number = "744",
Month = "juin",
Year = "1993" }
483.	@Technical Report {Ber93,
Author= "Aviv Bergman",
Title= "Intrusion Detection with Neural Networks",
Institution= "SRI International",
Year = "1993",
Number = "A012",
Month = "February"}
484.	@Technical Report {Bib77,
Author= " K.J. Biba",
Title= "Integrity consideration for secure computer systems",
Institution= "MITRE Corp., MTR-2997",
Year = "1977"}
485.	@Technical Report {Bis95,
Author= "Matt Bishop",
Title= "A standard audit trail format",
Institution= "Department of Computer Science, University of California at Davis",
Year = "1995"}
486.	@Technical Report {BLP73,
Author= " D.E. Bell and L.J. La Padula",
Title= "Security computer systems : mathematical foundations",
Institution= "Hanscom AFB. Bedford. MA. Rep. FSD-TR-73-278.,
Volume = "1",
Year = "1973"}
487.	@Technical Report {BLP74,
Author= "D.E. Bell and L.J. LaPadula",
Title= "Security Computer Systems: Mathematical foundations and
Institution= "MITRE Corp., Bedford, Mass.",
Year = "1974"}
488.	@Technical Report {BLP75,
Author= "D.E. Bell and L.J. La Padula",
Title= "Secure Computer Systems: Unified Exposition and Multics Interpretation",
Institution= "MTR-2997, MITRE Corp., Bedford, Mass.",
Month = "July",
Year = "1975"}
489.	@Technical Report {CB94,
Author= "Mark Crosbie and Gene Spafford",
Title= "Defending a Computer System using Autonomous Agents",
Institution= "Purdue University",
Year = "1994",
Number = "95-022",
Month = "March",
URL = "" }
490.	@Technical Report {CB95,
Author= "Mark Crosbie and Gene Spafford",
Title= "Active Defense of a Computer System using Autonomous Agents",
Institution= "Purdue University",
Year = "1995",
Number = "95-008",
Month = "February",
URL = "" }
491.	@Technical Report {CD94,
Author= "George Coulouris and Jean Dallimore",
Title= "A Security Model for Cooperative Work",
Institution= "Queen Mary and Westfield College, Department of Computer Science",
Year = "1994",
Number = "674",
Month = "October"}
492.	@Technical Report {CGLP92,
Author= "B. Courtois and M.C. Gaudel and J.C. Laprie and D. Powell",
Title= "S\^{u}ret\'{e} de fonctionnement informatique",
Institution= "LAAS",
Number = "92.382",
Month = "d\'{e}cembre",
Year = "1992" }
493.	@Technical Report {Cra91,
Author= " R.E. Crandall",
Title= "Fast Elliptic Encryption",
Institution= "NeXT, Scientific Computation Group",
Number = "91.04.07",
Year = "1991"}
494.	@Technical Report {Cur90,
Author= "David A. Curry",
Title= "Improving the Security of Your Unix System",
Institution= "SRI",
Year = "1990",
Number = "ITSTD-721-FR-90-21",
Month = "April"}
495.	@Technical Report {Dav85,
Author= " W.L. Davis Jr",
Title= "Synopsis of {U.S.} Department of Defense Evaluation Criteria",
Institution= "IBM",
Number = "85212PUR0233",
Month = "July",
Year = "1985"}
496.	@Technical Report {DKD92,
Author= " Marc Dacier and Mohamed Kaâniche and Yves Deswarte",
Title= "A Framework for Operational Security Assessment of
Computing Systems",
Institution= "LAAS",
Number = "92-434",
Year = "1992"}
497.	@Technical Report {DM??,
Author= " E. Deberdt and S. Martin",
Title= "M\'{e}thodologie '{MINERVE SECURITE}' demarche d'\'{e}valuation de la s\'{e}curit\'{e} des logiciels",
Institution= "IBM",
Number = "LGE 08",
Pages = "223",
Year = "??"}
498.	@Technical Report {ECMA89,
Author= " ECMA",
Title= "Security In Open Systems : Data Elements and Service Definitions",
Institution= "ECMA",
Number = "138",
Note = "Standard",
Year = "1989"}
499.	@Technical Report {Fal.90,
Author= "Kevin L. Fox and Ronda R. Henning and Jonathan H. Reed and Richard P. Simonian",
Title= "A Neural Network Approach Towards Intrusion Detection",
Institution= "Harris Corporation",
Year = "1990" }
500.	@Technical Report {Fal.96,
Author= "Edward W. Felten and Dirk Balfanz and Drew Dean and Dan S. Wallach",
Title= "Web Spoofing: An Internet Con Game",
Institution= "Princeton University",
Year = "1996",
Number = "540-96"}
501.	@Technical Report {Fei80,
Author= " R.J. Feiertag",
Title= "A technique for Proving Specification Are multilevel Secure",
jInstitution= "Computer Science Lab SRI International. Menlo Park,
Number = "CSL-109",
Year = "1980"}
502.	@Technical Report {Fra94,
Author= "Jeremy Frank",
Title= "Artificial Intelligence and Intrusion Detection: Current and Future Directions",
Institution= "University of California at Davis",
Year = "1994",
Number = "NSA URP MDA904-93-C-4085",
Month = "June" }
503.	@Technical Report {Gal87,
Author= "Patrick R. Gallagher",
Title= "A Guide to Understandinf Audit in Trusted Systems",
Institution= "NCSC",
Year = "1987",
Number = "NCSC-TG-001",
Month = "July"}
504.	@Technical Report {GK95,
Author= "Sokratis Katsikas and Dimitris Gritzalis",
Title= "University Programmes on Information Security, Dependability and Safety",
Institution= "Erasmus",
Year = "1995",
Number = "ICP-94(95)-G-4016/11:IS-CD-3c",
Month = "July",
Keywords= ""}
505.	@Technical Report {Honeywell72,
Author= "Honeywell",
Title= "Multics",
Institution= "Honeywell",
Year = "1972"}
506.	@Technical Report {IBM90a,
Author= " IBM",
Title= "{AIX} version 3.1 for {RISC} System/6000{TM} : General Concepts and Procedures",
Institution= "IBM : documentation technique",
Year = "1990"}
507.	@Technical Report {IBM91,
Author= " IBM",
Title= "Elements of {AIX} Security",
Institution= "IBM : documentation technique",
Number = "GG24-3622-01",
Year = "1991"}
508.	@Technical Report {IBM94,
Title= "Secured Network Gateway Version 1.2: Installation, Configuration and Administration Guide",
organization= "IBM",
Edition = "first",
Year = "1994",
Month = "december" }
509.	@Technical Report {ISO84,
Author= "ISO",
Title= "Information Processing Systems -- {OSI} Reference Model, International Standards Organization",
Institution= "ISO",
Number = "7498",
Month = "October",
Year = "1984"}
510.	@Technical Report {ISO89,
Author= "ISO",
Title= "Information Processing Systems -- {OSI} Reference Model -- Part 2: Security Architecture, International Standards Organization",
Institution= "ISO",
Number = "7498-2",
Year = "1989"}
511.	@Technical Report {ISO90,
Author= "ISO",
Title= "{MD4} - Message Digest Algorithm",
Institution= "International Standards Organization",
Number = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG20.2 N193",
month ="April",
Year = "1990"}
512.	@Technical Report {Iso91a,
Author= "ISO",
Title= "Glossary of Information Technology Security Definitions",
Institution= "International Standards Organization Publication",
Number = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 N270",
Year = "1991",
keyword = "glossary"}
513.	@Technical Report {Iso91b,
Author= " ISO",
Title= "Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Transport Layer Security Protocol",
Institution= "International Standards Organization Publication",
Number = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 N6779",
Month = "October",
Year = "1991"}
514.	@Technical Report {Iso91c,
Author= " ISO",
Title= "Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Network Layer Security Protocol",
Institution= "International Standards Organization Publication",
Number = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 N7053",
Month = "November",
Year = "1991"}
515.	@Technical Report {Iso91d,
Author= " ISO",
Title= "Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Transport Layer Security Protocol - Amendement 1: Security Association Establishment",
Institution= "International Standards Organization",
Number = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 N6794",
Month = "December",
Year = "1991"}
516.	@Technical Report {ITSEM92,
Author= " {Commision of the} {European} {³ommunities}",
Title= "Information Technology Security Evaluation Manual ({ITSEM})",
Institution= "CEC",
Year = "1992"}
517.	@Technical Report {Jal.93a,
Author= " H.S. Javitz and A. Valdes and T.F. Lunt and A. Tamaru and M. Tyson and J. Lowrance",
Title= "Next Generation Intrusion Detection Expert System ({NIDES})",
Institution= "SRI",
Number = "A016-Rationales",
Year = "1993"}
518.	@Technical Report {JM90,
Author= "P. Janson and R. Molva",
Title= "Network Security",
Institution= "IBM Zurich Research Laboratory",
Month = "May",
Year = "1990"}
519.	@Technical Report {JMW96,
Author= "Nigel Jefferies a,d Chris Mitchell and Michael Walker",
Title= "Combining TTP-based key management with key escrow",
Institution= "Information Security Group, Royal Holloway, University of London",
Year = "1996",
Month = "April",
Keywords= "tiers de confiance key escrowing"}
520.	@Technical Report {Jon??,
Author= " R. W. Jones",
Title= "A General Mechanism for Access Control: Its Relationship to Secure Systems Concepts",
Institution= "IBM",
Number = "LGE 08",
Pages = "45",
Year = "??"}
521.	@Technical Report {JV94,
Author= "Abdelaziz Mounji and Baudouin Le Charlier and Denis Zampunieris and Naji Habra",
Title= "Distributed Audit trail Analysis",
Institution= "Facult\'{e} Universitaire Notre-Dame de la Paix",
Number = "RP-94-007",
Year = "1994"}
522.	@Technical Report {JV94a,
Author= "Harold S. Javitz and Alfonso Valdes",
Title= "The {NIDES} Statistical Component Description and Justification",
Institution= "SRI",
Number = "A010",
Year = "1994"}
523.	@Technical Report {JV94b,
Author= "Debra Anderson and Teresa Lunt and Harold Javitz and Ann Tamaru and Alfonso Valdes",
Title= "Safeguard Final Report: Detecting Unusual program Behavior Using the {NIDES} Statistical Component",
Institution= "SRI",
Number = "",
Year = "1994"}
524.	@Technical Report {Kai??,
Author= " J. Kaiser",
Title= "An Object-Oriented Architecture to Support System Reliability and Security",
Institution= "IBM",
Number = "LGE 08",
Pages = "51",
year= "??"}
525.	@Technical Report {KS94,
Author= "Sandeep Kumar and Eugene H. Spafford",
Title= "An Application of pattern Matching in Intrusion Detection",
Institution= "Purdue University",
Year = "1994",
Number = "CSD-TR-94-013",
Month = "June" }
526.	@Technical Report {KSL??,
Author= " A. Kehne and J. Schönwälder and H. Langendörfer",
Title= "Multiple Authentications with a Nonce-Based Protocol Using Generalized Timestamps",
Institution= "Institut für Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund, TU Braunschweig, Bültenweg 74/75, D-3300 Braunschweig",
Year = "1991"}
527.	@Technical Report {Lal.90a,
Author= " T.F. Lunt and A. Tamaru and F. Gilham and R. Jagannathan and C. Jalali and H.S. Javitz and A. Valdes and P.G. Neumann",
Title= "A real-Time Intrusion-Detection Expert System",
Institution= "SRI International",
Month = "June",
Year = "1990"}
528.	@Technical Report {Lal.91,
Author= " Lassire and Reboulet and Ruggiu and Velin and Yazdanian",
Title= "Glossaire encyclop\'{e}dique de la s\'{e}curit\'{e} et qualit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes d'information et informatiques",
Institution= "CT 'S\'{e}curit\'{e} et sûret\'{e} informatiques' de l'AFCET",
Month = "novembre",
Year = "1991",
keyword = "glossary"}
529.	@Technical Report {LB91,
Author= " Linda Lankewicz and Mark Benard",
Title= "Real-Time Anomaly Detection Using a Nonparametric Pattern Recognition Approach",
Institution= "Tulane University, Department of Computer Science",
Number = "TUTR 91-106",
Year = "1991"}
530.	@Technical Report {Lin96,
Author= "Ulf Lindqvist",
Title= "Observations on the Nature of Computer Security Intrusions",
Institution= "Chalmers university of technology",
Year = "1996",
Number = "253L",
Month = "December",
url= "",
Keywords= "intrusions detection"}
531.	@Technical Report {MIC90a,
Author= " MICROSOFT",
Title= "L{AN} Manager : guide de l'administrateur",
Institution= "MICROSOFT",
Note = "Documentation technique",
Year = "1990"}
532.	@Technical Report {MIC90b,
Author= " MICROSOFT",
Title= "{LAN} Manager : Manuel de reference de l'administrateur",
Institution= " MICROSOFT",
Note = "Documentation technique",
Year = "1990"}
533.	@Technical Report {MNSS87,
Author= " S.P. Miller and B.C. Neuman and J.I. Schiller and J.H. Saltzer",
Title= "{K}erberos Authentication and Authorization System",
Institution= "MIT Proj. ATHENA, Technical Plan, Section E.2.1",
Month = "December",
Year = "1987"}
534.	@Technical Report {MP94,
Author= "Manel Medina and Enric Peig",
Title= "Survey of Security Related Application Areas and Objects",
Institution= "Universitat Polit\`{e}cnica de Catalunya",
Number = "",
Year = "1994"}
535.	@Technical Report {MV91,
Author= "Ludovic M\'e and Jos\'{e} Vazquez",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes informatiques : \'{e}tude bibliographique",
Institution= "SUP\'ELEC/LM",
Number = "91-001",
Year = "1991"}
536.	@Technical Report {NBS77,
Author= " National {Bureau of} Standards",
Title= "Data {E}ncryption {S}tandard",
Institution= "NBS",
Year = "1977"}
537.	@Technical Report {NCSC87,
Author= " {National Computer Security Center} {NCSC}",
Title= "Trusted {N}etwork {I}nterpretation of the {TCSEC}",
Institution= "NCSC",
Number = "NCSC-TG-005",
Month = "July",
Year = "1987"}
538.	@Technical Report {NCSC90,
Author= " {National Computer Security Center} {NCSC}",
Title= "Trusted {N}etwork {I}nterpretation environments guideline",
Institution= "NCSC",
Number = "NCSC-TG-011, vers.1",
Month = "August",
Year = "1990"}
539.	@Technical Report {NF90,
Author= " Norme Fran\c{c}çaise",
Title= "Interconnexion des syst\`{e}mes ouverts : Architecture de s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Institution= "ISO",
Number = "NF ISO 7498-2",
Month = "septembre",
Year = "1990"}
540.	@Technical Report {PA??,
Author= " A. Pfitzmann and R. Assmann",
Title= "Efficient Software Implementations of (Generalized) {DES}",
Institution= "Univ. KARLSRUHE",
Year = "??"}
541.	@Technical Report {Pel90,
Author= " Christian Pelissier",
Title= "Guide de s\'{e}curit\'{e} pour les administrateurs de syst\`{e}mes {UNIX}",
Institution= "ONERA : Rapport interne",
Year = "1990"}
542.	@Technical Report {Per92b,
Author= " O. Perret",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} certifi\'{e}e sous {UNIX}, \`{a} partir d'une exp\'{e}rience sur {S}un{OS MLS}",
Institution= "ENSTA : Rapport interne",
Year = "1991"}
543.	@Technical Report {RSA78b,
Author= " R.L. Rivest and A. Shamir and L. Adleman",
Title= "Mental Poker",
Institution= "MIT",
Number = "TM-125",
Month = "November",
Year = "1978"}
544.	@Technical Report {Sch91,
Author= " Herv\'{e} Schauer",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} sous {UNIX}",
Institution= "CNES",
Year = "1991"}
545.	@Technical Report {Sch92,
Author= " Herv\'{e} Schauer",
Title= "La s\'{e}curit\'{e} des r\'{e}seaux TCP/IP sous {UNIX}",
Institution= "Herv\'{e} Schauer Consultant",
Year = "1992"}
546.	@Technical Report {Scs90a,
Author= " { Service Central de la S\'{e}curit\'{e} des Syst\`{e}mes
d'information } SCSSI",
Title= "Crit\`{e}res d'\'{e}valuation de la s\'{e}curit\'{e} des
syst\`{e}mes informatiques ({ITSEC})",
Institution= "SCSSI",
Year = "1990"}
547.	@Technical Report {Scs90b,
Author= " {Service Central de la S\'{e}curit\'{e} des Syst\`{e}mes d'information} {SCSSI}",
Title= "Glossaire de la s\'{e}curit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes d'information",
Institution= " SCSSI",
Number = "CNTI/CN 27, N23",
Month = "octobre",
Year = "1990",
keyword = "glossary"}
548.	@Technical Report {Scs92,
Author= " {Service Central de la S\'{e}curit\'{e} des Syst\`{e}mes d'information} {SCSSI}",
Title= "D\'{e}veloppement de syst\`{e}mes d'information s\'{e}curis\'{e}s ({DSIS})",
Institution= "SCSSI",
Month = "septembre",
Year = "1992"}
549.	@Technical Report {SD89,
Author= " Bruno Struif and G.M.D Darmstadt",
Title= "Concepts Applications Activities",
Institution= "TELETRUST International Publication",
Month = "March",
Year = "1989"}
550.	@Technical Report {SUN90a,
Author= " SUN Microsystems",
Title= "{S}un{OS} {MLS} Programmer's Guide",
Institution= "Sun : documentation technique",
Month = "January",
Year = "1990"}
551.	@Technical Report {SUN90b,
Author= " SUN Microsystems",
Title= "{S}un{OS} {MLS} System administrator",
Institution= "SUN",
Note = "Chapitre 17 : Auditing, Sun : documentation technique",
Month = "January",
Year = "1990"}
552.	@Technical Report {Tsu88,
Author= "Gene Tsudik",
Title= "An Expert System for Security Auditing",
Institution= "IBM Los Angeles Scientific Software",
Year = "1988", }
553.	@Technical Report {War70,
Author= " W.H. Ware",
Title= "Security Controls for Computer Systems",
BookTitle= "Report on Defense Science Board Task Force on Computer Security",
Number = "R-609-1",
Year = "1970"}
554.	@Technical Report {WQ??,
Author= " D. de Waleffe and J. J. Quisquater",
Title= "Better Login Protocols for Computer Networks",
Institution= "IBM",
Number = "LGE 08",
Pages = "163",
Year = "??"}
555.	@unpublished{Ben92b,
Author= "Marc Benveniste",
Title= "Mod\`{e}le formel de s\'{e}curit\'{e}",
Note = "Document AQL",
Month = "novembre",
Year = "1993" }
556.	@unpublished{HA93,
Author= "Stephen E. Hansen and E. Todd Atkins",
Title= "Centralized System Monitoring With Swatch",
Note = "Stanford University",
Year = "1993" }
557.	@unpublished{Nee92,
Author= "R.M. Needham",
Title= "Reasoning about Cryptographic Protocols",
Note = "Document distribu\'{e} lors de ESORICS'92",
Year = "1992" }